[2] - S I R E L I N E

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Natalia dropped the drained body to ground, wiping a bit of the blood off of her lip and sucking it off.
"Sé que estás ahí," she said in a sing-songy voice. I know you're there

"Que- que eres" A man, his Spanish was a lot better than hers, considering she had only been living in Spain for a few months. What- what are you

"Soy una vampira hun," Natalia said, smirking at the way he squeaked in fear. I'm a vampire hun

"¿Los vampiros son reales?" He stood up to his full height, staring at the body in the ground. Vampires are real?

"Sí," Natalia frowned at him, he didn't look as scared of her as he had at first. "Do you understand me?" Her native tongue felt foreign on her lips, she had deserted it shortly after Mikael turned her, instead vouching for whatever language was spoken in the area she was in.

"Sí, yes I do." He nodded his head.

"Good, I'm still learning Spanish."

"I can tell. You suck at it." He chuckled nervously, his accent prominent in his words. "Can, can you turn me into one?"

"Into what?" Natalia knew what he meant, but she wanted to hear him say it. She didn't really like turning people.

"Un vamprio." A vampire.


"I don't want to die, I want to see the world."

Natalia rolled her eyes, "Fine. I like you anyways."

"So, how?"

"You drink my blood, I kill you, then you'll come back as a vampire. To finish it, you must drink human blood." Natalia bit into her wrist, holding it out to the "older" man.

He nodded, hesitanly taking a small drink of her blood.

"What's your name?" Natalia inquired, placing her hands on either side of his face.

"Oliver. Oliver Santos." He said.

"Well Oliver Santos." She smirked, wiping a bit of the blood off of his lip. "I'll see you on the flip side." Then with a sharp twist, she snapped his neck, killing him.

"Now we wait."


Natalia had gone and gotten a daylight ring and a worthless human (she had caught him forcing himself onto a young girl) and returned to the small cabin.

Furrowing her brows at the still dead Oliver, she nudged him with her foot. "Oliver... Wake up... Ollieee." She dragged out the 'e', and as if on cue, the man sat up gasping for air.

"What?" He looked around, in shock at the fact that he had just risen from the dead.

"Ah! Welcome back!" Natalia smiled, shoving the man towards Oliver. "Now for the final step, you have to drink human blood to survive! I've done you a little favor and gotten you you're first meal, so dig in!"

The man was already dead, Natalia having snapped his neck to make it slightly easier for Oliver. She let the body thud to the ground in front of him. Smiling as he hesitantly crawled over to the dead man.

Oliver's fangs protruded and his under eye veins popped out. "Just sink your fangs into his neck and enjoy it." Natalia instructed him, bending down next to him. He was only the second person she had turned. The first was an accident, she had tried saving a girl left alive in the village but the blood wasn't enough, Natalia had stabbed a stake through her heart before she could even return from the dead.

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