Chapter 73.

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 Leonard WilliamsI continue rubbing Remi's temples with the pad of my thumbs as she lays on top of me

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Leonard Williams
I continue rubbing Remi's temples with the pad of my thumbs as she lays on top of me. She presses into my chest a little hard, making me realize that this headache is really not normal.

"I know it's been a while since you've used them," I begin quietly, "but do you still have the pills that YOLVE gave you?"

"It was really tiny.." she says, "I think there's maybe one left."

"Do you want me to go get it? I know you didn't mean to heal me."

Her eyes shut tightly.
"I do but, at the same time I don't think I want to be alone for that long." She admits quietly. "I think I have to learn how to deal with the pain of this shit."

I take a deep breath and just quietly continue to comfort her. "Alright."

Zack Link
"Fallon what are you going on about?" I scoff. "You can't drop this shit on me like that!"

"You asked what was wrong." He retorts sternly.

"This...fal, no. Fallon no." I bite the inside of my cheek. "How can you be so sure?"

He stands up and moves the sleeve of his shirt up higher, revealing black veins coming up his back. "Zack, I only have so much time left so when I said that I loved you, I just...I really wanted the real thing. Not some...pity shit."

"I promise you I mean it. I love you Fallon. With my fucking soul, I love you. Ignoring me won't change that and once again I'm sorry," I rub my temple. "It wasn't suppose to happen like that."

He bites his lip and sighs, resting his back on the wall. Time takes its route as I wait for a word to come out of either of us, but none comes out from me, and I'm unsure about him.

He's complicated and quiet, but I keep myself sane. For my own fucking sanity.


Finally, something leaves his throat.


Confusion strikes me as I raise a brow.

"Is what safe?

"Us. Being out there. Together?"

I look closely at his body's movements and signals.

Yet I can't read much.

"Its never safe." I admit. "For anyone like us. But that doesn't matter," I take his hand. "We're gonna show it off to them anyway and if they say anything, then we'll just have to beat them up."
His face never leaves from his stone cold vision, leaving me to feel so much guilt. "Fallon like you said, we only have so much time. Why spend it afraid?"

I may seem like I'm taking the news lightly now, but I'm truly the one who's most afraid. The pain Fal is going through, happens in maybe 1 out of 500,000 people.

He won't be here for long.

But I can't sit here and cry about it. It won't change whatever is happening.

"Let's just spend it together. Spend it happily." I force a grin. "Please, Fallon."

For once, out of this entire conversation, he finally looks at me.

And yet, he simply nods.

Lena Rameryiez
"Okay so can I go back to bed now or?" I head back down the stairwell in which we came from, hand in Quintons.

"It is our day off so..." Quinton grins. "I wouldn't mind spending a bit of time resting."

"Good, because it is 7 am." I chuckle. "Ima need to gain back the like 6 hours you basically stripped me of."

"Now you're just being dramatic."

I jokingly scoff and roll my eyes.

OKAY. I don't know if anyone even still reads this book, but if you do, I'm going to need you to comment your opinion.

I have a new account @Clear-Rock.
I'm basically restarting everything and not continuing any of my other books. However, RAO5 has a special place in my heart and I want to continue this.


Would you like me to CONTINUE this book on my new account and it would be written way better and the first chapter would start where this book leaves off.
Better graphics and visions would come with this along with longer chapters.


Would you like me to CONTINUE this book on this account and have it pretty short and not as detailed as I'd like it to me. I would only finish this book and cut off the series as it is. This would let you have some closure with the book.

Please let me know.

I miss you all, and I hope I can see your reads on my new account.

Thank you.


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