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A lil cub called kion was playing with his friend Bunga
Kion: Tag!
Bunga:oh you did it!
Kion ran as fast as he could but Bunga caught him.
Bunga: do you hear that?
Suddenly something zoomed past them faster than a bullet.
Kion: wow what was that!
Bunga: cmon it went this way!
Kion and Bunga ran the way the animal did .
Kion: uhh were not in the pridelands anymore...
Bunga: I know but we are tough we can attack any Outlander!
Bunga: we need to - there I see it!
The animal locked eyes and ran circles around them causing them to cough from the dust.
When the dust cleared they looked up and saw a proud cheetah cub standing there.
Both: wow!
Cheetah: get out of my territory now!
Kion: sorry but how are you so fast?
Bunga: and why are your spots ...not spots?
Both: oh! And what's your name?
Cheetah: 1. I'm the fastest cheetah there is
Cheetah:2. I'm a king cheetah
Cheetah:and 3 my name is Fuli
Kion: wow so cool! My name is Prince kion and this is Bunga .
Fuli: well nice to meet you two..sorry for being mean I don't have the best experience with lions...
Kion: it's okay why are you out here and where are your parents Fuli?
Fuli: my parents are....
Fuli looked down and her ears flopped.
Bunga: oh I hear ya same here Fuli .
Bunga: hey why not come join us and we can introduce you to the king so he can make you stay!
Kion: yeah my dad will be happy!
Fuli: omg thank you guys !
Bunga hugs Fuli and Fuli growls.
Fuli: what are you doing!
Bunga: a hug?...wait have you never heard of a hug?!?
Fuli: what's that?
Kion and Bunga's jaw drops.
Kion: Welp get used to it Fuli!
They both hugged her and she hugged back.
Fuli: Hm it's weird but I guess I can get used to it.
She smiled.

Kion: race ya to pride rock .
Bunga: 3..2...1...whaaaa?
Fuli already was gone ,just a dust trail leading to the pridelands.
Kion: she's one heck of a girl!
Bunga: awww someone already has a crush?
Kion: SHUT UP!
Bunga: oooo
Bunga laughs and runs to pride rock and kion chases him.

At the bottom of priderock Fuli was sitting there .
Kion and Bunga were out of breathe when they arrived.
Fuli was talking to a hippopotamus and an egret.

Fuli: I'm a king cheetah why can't people understand that?
Ono:wow your rare then!
Beshte: so cool!
Fuli: hey guys do you all want to be friends?
Everyone: yeah!
Simba: what's going on here?
Simba came down from pride rock.

Kion: dad this is Fuli can she stay pretty please!
Simba: of course you can stay Fuli
Fuli: thank you ,your majesty!
Fuli bows.
Nala came down .

Nala: aww she's adorable
Nala gives Fuli a small cuddle.
Kion: mom stop cuddling my friend!
Nala: her fur is so soft it's adorable I want to adopt her!
Simba: not again... Nala deary we have 3 kids Kopa,kion and Kiara let's just find Fuli a home?(kopa is alive in this story)
Nala: ok yeah Fuli follow me I'll find ya new home!

Kion: Welcome to the pridelands Fuli I can't wait to see you tomorrow
Fuli blushes
Fuli: thanks...
Kion nuzzles Fuli while he blushes .
Nala: alright cmon Fuli dear.
Nala picks up Fuli and puts her on her back.

Kion smiled as he saw Fuli smiling at him.
Kopa was watching the whole thing.

Kopa: wow that cheetah is beautiful!
Kiara: I think she has eyes for our brother bro.
Kopa: what your insane their only friends.....

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