Do I like her? / The mysterious cheetah

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It was morning and kion went to see Fuli.

Kion's pov:
Hm...there's no way ...I don't even say it!
I saw Fuli sitting there and went over to her.
She's so pretty...NO stay focused
Me: hey Fuli
Fuli: hey
Me: wanna hunt?
Fuli: I actually had plans with Kopa
I was angry at this and idk why .
Me: please?
Fuli: hm sure then
We saw an Antilope and we both ran at it and we ended hitting eachother.
I looked at Fuli and we both laughed.

No pov:
Kion leaned in to kiss Fuli .
Fuli was about to kiss kion aswell until kion pulled back.
Kion: let's ...keep things professional Fuli....
Fuli was so confused.
Kion was so embarrassed
Kion's mind: ugh! What have I done why did I say that!!!! It makes it sound like I'm a jerk!
Fuli: ima go to see kopa anyway let's forget about this and cya!
Fuli was gone then
Kion: I don't want to forget about it tho...

Fuli was walking alone then she heard a noise.
Fuli: kion go away
A cheetah came out and looked at Fuli
Cheetah: Azaad doesn't know any kion , you see Azaad is from a far away place called the tree of life , he is only visiting, who may you be?
Fuli: I'm Fuli
Azaad: a pleasure to meet you Fuli
Fuli: hm do you have anywhere to stay?
Azaad: unfortunately not ,Azaad was planning to make it back to the tree of life in one day-
Fuli: it's gonna get dark so why not stay at my den?
Azaad: thank you! Your so sweet!
Fuli: so tell me about this tree of life

Azaad and Fuli talked for hours on end laughing and racing.
Fuli liked talking to someone who liked talking to her as much and she did to them.
Fuli was hearing about the night pride and all his adventures.
Fuli: wow! So cool
Kion was walking around and saw them two.
Kion: what...
Azaad hugged Fuli .
As they layed beside eachother.
Kion growled but then calmed down.
Kion: hm I should be happy for her...their just friends .......I'm ......gonna go.....
Kion looked at Fuli and sighed.

The next morning Azaad was saying good bye to Fuli .
Azaad: Fuli...have you ever considered going with Azaad? home is here bud but maybe we will meet again
Azaad: I would like that very much.
Azaad kisses Fuli on the side of her face.
Azaad: til we meet again Fuli the fastest cheetah.
Fuli smiles
Fuli: til we meet again The Great Azaad!
Azaad sped through leaving a trail of dust .
Fuli:.... good bye....

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