Kion's first gf and Kopa's feelings

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Art made by me above ↑

It was after meeting jasiri (never judge a hyena by its spots)

Kion was on patrol with the lion guard and they stopped at a watering whole for a break.
Fuli and Kion were laying beside eachother.
Kion: Fuli ?
Fuli: yeah ?
Kion: what if you like someone but your worried they don't like you because they are your best friend? ..
Fuli's ears perked up.
Fuli: you tell them and prepare for the worst although who ever the lucky ...girl is I'm sure she loves you just as much!
Kion: thanks Fuli I really needed that oh and I won't be here at sundown I'm meeting jasiri to hangout is that okay.
Fuli smiles .
Fuli: of course kion have fun!
Fuli was hiding her disappointment.
Kopa was walking when he saw Fuli.
Kopa: oh jeez I know that smile she's upset , why is it that me the only one who understands her can't even talk to her without being nervous...guess I gotta save her.

Kion: okay Fuli I just want you to know I love you-
Fuli got excited.
Kion: as a sister Fuli!
Kion hugs Fuli
Fuli fake smiles.
Fuli: love you too a brother....
Kopa: hey y'all!
Fuli: hey kopa-
Kopa: Fuli want a walk ?
Fuli: yep!
Kion: but-
Fuli got up and walked with Kopa to a meadow.

Kopa: let me guess you thought he was finnaly gonna choose you? And you got excited too early.
Fuli: why can't he see I love him!...but it's fine I'm happy if he gets someone!
Kopa: Fuli...mabye your true love , loves you more than you think
Fuli: so uh how are you and vitani?
Kopa: were just friends she also likes ki- sorry fools
Fuli: nope it's fine ! Love is love !
Fuli smiles

Kopa: I hate seeing your fake smiles...
Fuli: well atleast I have my bestie you here to talk to buddy!
Kopa: yep...bestie...
Fuli: want to go to the meteor shower with me?
Kopa: yes! Yes! I mean sure..I'll check my royal schedule
Fuli: smooth kopa very smooth
They both chuckle.
Kopa: sundown tonight borders?
Fuli: wouldn't miss it bro!
Fuli ran off and Kopa stayed there.
Kopa: Fuli loves kion and that's why she's letting him go ,I love Fuli so I'm letting her go...but I guess if you love something you must let it be free....
Kopa looked up at the sky and sighed.

Fuli was running .
Fuli: mabye he is meeting jasiri as a friend!
Fuli smiles as she enjoyed her running.
Fuli: remember Fuli you gotta fake it til you make it!...or atleast that's what I have to do...I get kion dating a lioness but a hyena? I'm so happy for him!......then why do I feel.... empty...cheer up Fuli your being stupid if you can't be with him you gotta be his number 1# supporter!

When it was sundown
Fuli walked to the borders and there was kopa sitting patiently.
Fuli had a flower behind her ear .
Fuli: hey!
Kopa: hey Fuli you look amazing!
Fuli: hmm the stars are beautiful
Kopa: cmon I gotta show you something!
Kopa and Fuli ran and climbed a hill ,it had a beautiful oak tree .
Fuli: wow I can see everything!
Kopa: I like to go here to get away from...well life mainly
Fuli looked up at the stars.
Fuli: at first when I met ya I thought you were the worst ..but you may actually and I can't believe I'm saying this better than my friends even kion hah!
Kopa: really?
Fuli: yeah your like family!
Fuli looks down at the pridelands and outlands.
Fuli: oh look I see ...kion and jasiri!
Kopa: cmon let's sneak and see what our stupid kion and jasiri are doing.
They sneaked down and into a bush behind them.

Jasiri and both of them were laughing .
Kion: so uh jasiri I was wondering ...if you wanted my girlfriend?
Jasiri: hmm idk that's quite quick of you
Kion: well sometimes you just have to do it and prepare for the worst .
Jasiri: haha now thats a good saying
Jasiri kisses kion on the cheek.
Kion: just made it up there darling!

Fuli and Kopa sneaked away.
Kopa: Fuli don't you see..-
Fulis mouth was twitching until it became a big smile.
Fuli: I'm so glad my words helped kion find happiness!
Kopa: Fuli...
Fuli: now excuse me but I must go now cya
Fuli smiles and runs off.

In the outlands .
Fuli sat down at her secret cave and started crying.
She heard a noise.
Fuli: kopa go away!
???: Cheetah? Where's your lionguard
Zira walked out from the darkness.
Fuli: you!
Zira: ima gonna claw- are you crying?
Fuli: ugh just fight me
Zira: hmm what happend deary?
Fuli was shocked at how nice she was being.
Fuli: it's just kion ....likes a hyena ...and now their...
Zira: a dirty hyena? kion is dumber than I thought
Zira hissed.
Fuli: I just thought...
Zira: Hmm a similar story happend to me once you see before I was with Scar he was my best friend and I liked this lion he was very handsome and strong I remember planning and everything and the day I went to ask him out he accepted!...but atlas for he was not loyal and just as soon as I look away he was with a lioness ....Nala's mother...
(Since zira is the same age as scar I think that makes sense)
Fuli: oh...jeez Zira I'm so sorry!
Zira: it's okay lil one you see hiding tears will just make it worse so cry all you want deary ,vitani and them are busy fighting and do not tell a soul I'm nice to you!

Fuli nods and lays beside Zira.
Zira comforts Fuli.
Zira: hmm she's like a daughter ...
Zira whispered.

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