🐆The surprise date🦁

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Fuli put on a red flower and walked to the waterfalls.
Kopa got ready and and walked to the waterfalls.
He heard Fuli calling out Kion's name.
Kopa: Fuli what are you doing here?
Fuli: kion told me to meet here
Kopa:so did Zuri
They noticed the flowers and heart shaped food.

Zuri and Kion were chuckling.
Zuri: now let's leave the two love birds alone
They sneaked off laughing.

Fuli: hmm so odd why on earth would they ship us?
Kopa: I don't know ....
Fuli: well could you imagine  us a couple how hilarious!
Kopa smiled and fake laughed.
Fuli: do you hear that?
Janja: well well well what do we have here ..
Two jackals jump out aswell.
Kopa: leave now or else!
Janja: or else w-
Kopa attacks janja bitting his paw and then her strangles him , he then takes out the other jackals and sends them running and janja whimpers and runs away.
Fuli: wow kopa I didn't know you are that strong!
Kopa: Welp there's alot you don't know about me
Fuli laughed
Fuli: cringy much
Kopa: come here you!
Kopa playful fights Fuli .
A bit later on the layed down on their backs and looked at the stars .
Kopa: Fuli if ....kion doesn't accept....and he does marry....would you ever consider moving on?
Fuli:....I mean it would hurt ...but depends on which guy...
Kopa: Fuli if kion does find someone and I mean the one ,would you ever consider being      
my queen....I mean as in friendship...or not..
Fuli: I love kio-
Fuli felt happy beside Kopa.
Kopa kisses Fuli on the side of her face.
Kopa: just keep my offer in mind hm?
Fuli: do you think I'm better off....with out him?
Fuli looked up at the stars.
He sighed.
Kopa: well I know a few things You love kion, I love you, you are hiding your feelings from ones you love but...I seen the way kion makes you smile....your not better off so if you truly believe he will love you back then, of course go for it , just know I will always have the offer on the table if- when you decide it's time.
Fuli: and mabye ...someday I'll accept.
Kopa smiled and Fuli smiled aswell
Fuli fell asleep on kopa's shoulder.
Kopa: Fuli..my love if you do marry kion do me a favour...don't invite me to the wedding...
Kopa shedded a tear as he kissed Fulis forehead while she sleeps.

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