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"Y/n, are you ok" ban waved his hand in front of your face. You had completely zoned out. "Yeah I'm all good just zoned out for a minute" you responded holding his hand as you two continued to walk. You look down and notice how big his hand is compared to yours. It's almost twice the size. You look up to him and notice how tall he is. It isn't like you never knew but it never dawned on you how big your size difference actually is. "what is it y/n" he said looking down at you confused. "Oh it's nothing I just never realized how big you are that's all" you say blushing. You grab his hand it but it up to yours as he grinned. You couldn't help but imagine how good his fingers would feel inside of you. You start to get flustered and walk off like it was nothing. When you finally got home he took you up to the bedroom. Before you could say anything he lifts you up and gently kissed you. You like when he is rough but it feels sooo good when his is gentle. He slowly makes his way down to your neck and soon after places you on the bed. He lifts up your shirt and kisses your tummy for a while. He made his way down to the rim of your pants and pulls it down with his teeth. He kissed your thighs and left bright hickeys. You were dripping wet at this point and you just wanted him to fuck you already. "Ban p~please" you say with a shaky voice. "Please what?" He responds taking a break from kissing you and grins. "Please f~uck m~me daddy" you moan as he makes his way up to your heat. He licks gentle circles around your clit in a teasing way. You are so built up that you are on the verge of tears. He begins to really go at it and slides a finger in. "Mhmm" A moan slips from your mouth. He begins to make his way up to your chest still fingering your now adding another finger and sucking on your nipple. You move your hips to the pace of his fingers and moan. He felt to good his fingers are so big inside you. He leaves hickeys on your chest and slides another finger in, this time going faster. "B~ban" you almost scream. "Are you close baby?" He asks still sucking your nipple. You feel a knot is your stomach and shake your head yes. " let it out now baby" he demands and you cum onto his fingers. He continues to fuck you as you ride out your orgasm. Once you are completely finished he takes his fingers out and licks you clean. He kisses you a few more times and then goes to get some water. He brings you a glass of water and tells you to drink it and then you two fall asleep cuddling.


It has been over a year since I last wrote an actual part to this story. I'm not sure if this is good because I haven't wrote anything in a long time. Leave some suggestions for what kinds of things you guys want me to write about because I don't have any more ideas

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2022 ⏰

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