Period care

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          You wake up at around 12:00 and your stomach hurt. Ban was already down stairs cooking breakfast and you went to get up till you looked at the bed. You woke up with your period and there was blood all over the bed. You start to panic and tried to think of what to do.
            You didn't want to tell him cuz you were too embarrassed and you didn't want him to be mad. You took the sheets of and there was blood on the bed. You started to cry cuz you didn't know what to do. Ban walked in and immediately cam over and asked what was wrong.
              You didn't want to tell him so you just apologized. He noticed the blood on the bed and pulled you into his arms. "I'm not mad at you baby. You can't help that" he said in a very sweet and soft tone. " but there is blood everywhere" you said trying to catch your breath. " it's just a little blood. how bout I start a bath for you, you seem in pain." He said helping you up "yes please" he took you into the bathroom and started a bath. You got in the bath and he went back to the bedroom.
            "Hey capin, I'm taking the day off" I said as I walk out the door and go into town. "Hmm what kind of things would (y/n) like?" I thought as I walked into the shop. I went to buy some (favorite candy) and a teddy bear. "I got a lot of (y/n) favorite snacks a stuffed (favorite animal). I also got some (favorite flowers), I hope she likes it"
                         Y/n POV
            I had gotten out of the bath and went to lay down in the bed because my cramps were killing me. Ban came in with a big bag of stuff. He walked over to me and handed me the bag. Inside the bag was all of my favorite snacks, stuffed (favorite animal), and (favorite flowers).
             "Baaaan thank you" I started to cry out of no where then Ban reaches his hand over to my face and wiped my tears. " you're welcome princess I hope you feel better. Let's watch a movie you can pick" he said as he payed down next to me and we just cuddled all night and watched movies.

Thank you all for reading.... thank y'all for 1k reads.

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