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This chapter is very different from the other ones I have written and there will be heavy mentions eating disorders and self image so if you are sensitive to that please read at your own risk. Also if you are experiencing this please seek help, whether you think it is bad or not, please please help yourself and remember that you weight/size DOES NOT DEFINE YOU. YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL AND WORTHY AND DESERVE TO EAT. I love you and care for you so please don't ruin your body because of some outdated beauty standards. You are beautiful no matter what you look like.  And let me know if y'all want more of these mental health ones.

"Hey, good morning baby I made some breakfast. Sit and eat" Ban said as you walked down the stairs. You felt your heart sink and you had to make the decision 'do I want to eat breakfast or should I skip' you thought to yourself. "No thank you I'm not hungry right now" you state knowing that you are actually starving. "No. You need to eat breakfast that isn't an option"  Ban looked at you concerned. "Well then I'll have an apple" you say as you quickly walk to the fridge and eat the apple on your way out. This went on for days of you eating as little ass you can, calorie counting and going on walks as much as you can. Eventually Ban started to notice and to not worry him you decide to binge eat. You ate till you were sick so that once everyone goes to bed you can throw up. You sit at the toilet for 20 minutes repeatedly gagging yourself. It wasn't working. Ban suddenly walked in and immediately realized what was going on. His eyes started to tear up as he leaked over to you and cupped your face. " why? Why are you doing this to yourself? Baby" he suddenly stops and kissed your forehead "  You are beautiful, so so so beautiful. I haven't seen someone that was as breathtaking and gorgeous as you in a long time. And that body of yours it taking care of you. Everyday it provides you with everything you need to get in with your life, so why are you depriving it of its basic needs. It is beautiful, all of your stretch marks, all of your rolls, and everything that comes with it" he says as you burst into tears. You sit there uncontrollably sobbing as he just lays there with you and caresses you. "Look at me" he says lifting your chin and whipping your tears. "Promise me that you'll stop" he says rubbing your cheek. You hold your pink out and you pinkie promise. "Thank you..." you say squeezing him tightly. "There is no need to thank me I love you so much baby" he says as he lifts you off of the ground. "I love you too" you say trying to wipe all of the tears off your face. " come get some food with me ok? We can eat snacks and watch movies of you are up for it" he says lifting you up as you wrap your legs young him and nod. The rest of the night you two are and watched movies together. He randomly leaned over and kissed your forehead and then your stomach.

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