2nd anaversary one

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So this is the first anniversary one I made and I found it in my drafts.  It's a little different from the other one but I haven't posted an actual chapter in about a month and I feel like I owe it to y'all so I really hope you enjoy this for now until I'm able to write a new one. Also thank you all so much for the support you all give me it means so much and thank you for the 22k reads.

So today was y/n and Ban's 1 year anniversary. Ban said that he had something special planned but you weren't allowed to know just yet.
I woke up today before Ban so I went to the kitchen to cook him breakfast. Even tho he is always the one to cook I can actually cook very well so I figured that I would give him a break from cooking. I cooked his favorite breakfast and brought it to him in bed. He woke up and looked shocked. "Awwww babe thank you" he said as he pulled you in for a kiss. We made out for a while before we both started to eat breakfast.
I woke up to Y/N with our breakfast that she cooked. To be honest I loved her cooking but she doesn't like cooking so I usually just cook for us, but it was nice to get breakfast made for me. "Awwww babe thank you" I said as I pulled her in for a kiss. We made out for a while before we both ate breakfast.
After you ate you snuggled and took a nap together. You woke up at around 5 and got hungry. It was finally time for ban to show you what the surprise was. "Why don't you go get dressed Y/N we are going somewhere" Ban said as he went into the closet and got you a dress. It was a (f/c) dress and it was one of the prettiest dresses you've ever seen. You put it on and you two went out for dinner. He took you to your favorite restaurant and ordered you
(f/f). When you were done you both went to the car. "I can't believe it's been a year! Do you remember the first time we got together" You asked Ban as he drove. "Of course I do baby, we had some amazing sex that night. And it's been good every time after that" he responded putting his hand on your thigh making you blush.
         You slowly start to feel a familiar wetness between your legs. Ban noticed this and said "awww does what I say make you that horny" you looked away and blushed even harder in embarrassment. "You know I actually have something to help you. He reached into the glove department and pulled out an egg. You knew he was gonna play games with you. As much as you wanted to hate it you actually loved it. He put his hand up your skirt and slid the egg into your pussy. "Wow you're already so wet baby" as soon he said said that he turned it on. You tried to hold back your moans as the slipped out. " Don't you dare hold back your moans I want to hear it. Every last one of them" when he said that you moaned even harder.
          After only about a minute you were already about to cum. "B~Bannnn I'm c~close" you tried to get the words out between moans. "Let's make a deal of you can hold it till we get home I'll let you cum as much as you want and if you don't you will be punished, understood" he asked while driving faster. "Y~Yes da~ddy" you managed to make out. You soon got home and he carried you into the tavern. All the sins were already asleep and you both got up to the room and he threw you on the bed. "C~can I please cum now" you whined. "Not yet" he replied with an evil grin on his face.
          He started to undress you and himself at the same time. He took the egg out and you whined in protest. Without a warning he shoved his whole member right into you. He started to pump into at an inhumanly speed. You scratch and grabbed his back in pure bliss. You could feel a knot in your stomach as your walls tightened around Ban's cock.
          Ban could see that you were ready to cum and said " cum with me on the count of three, ready 1.....2.......3" he said as he shot his load into you and you both came. He plopped down beside you both of you being out of breath. Your legs were shaking from the extreme orgasm you just had. Ban got up and ran you both a bath. It was a great night

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