Brat part 2

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          He took the egg and slowly put it inside you. He cut a piece of tape and taped the you hole shut. "I'm just gonna sit here, and that isn't coming out till I say. Understand?" He said as he sits down and pulls out a book( pls tell me that I'm not the only one who thinks people reading are hot) You nod and lay there feeling nothing but bliss and pleasure. After about a minute or two you start to really feel is.
         Getting close you start to moan and whine and ban just looks at you. "Getting close baby?" He asks as you nod your head. "Ok go ahead and cum for daddy" as he said that you felt your face heat up and the knot in your stomach release.
          You whimper for him to take it out but he refuses. " not right now. I mean you can always use the safe word if you really want it to stop" you just say silent knowing that you enjoy ever secon of this. "That's what I thought" he said going back to his book. This went on for hours. You came at least 11 times and you were all tired out.
           He finally took the egg out and untied you. " let me clean you up and get you something to drink" he got a warm wash cloth and a glass of water. He handed you the glass and whipped you down with a rag. Both of you cuddled for the rest of the night.

Hey peeps I finally got the second part done and I'm happy with how it came out. I hope y'all are doing well and thank you for 5k reads! Stay safe and I hope you liked this chapter!

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