Dom reader #2

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Ok so here is the chapter I promise:) I t's not my best work because it has been a while but yeah I hope y'all like it.
ALSO disclaimer
Everything is consented to

"BAN" you scream at him for the 5th time in a row and watch as he once again looks at you, rolls his eyes and looks back at his phone. He has been ignoring you all day because you woke him up early in the morning. At this point you are pretty pissed off so you walk up to him and grab his phone out of his hand. And throw him in the floor(*yeah he's bigger thank me, and stronger than me, and he's older than me and taller than me* but for real he may be bigger and stronger than you but he wouldn't dare stand up to you when you are this mad) Then you step on his stomach and say " how dare you fucking ignore me all day". You quickly move down to his cock and step on it as you hear him squirm and flinch in pain. You didn't say anything but you bend down, grab him by the hair, and spit on him. "Who do you fucking belong to?" You ask as he once again flinches in terror. "Y-you..." he said as he looks away from you knowing he is bout to get wrecked. You go to the closet and get a little cat boy suit. "Why don't you go put this on like a good little boy" you tell him knowing that you are about to rip it off when you decide to fuck him.  *A FEW MOMENTS LATER* he shyly walks into the room with the cute little outfit he has on. * womp womp womp* (yes this is now a spongebob episode) You signal for him to come to you while you put the BIG strap on. You tell him to spin around and of course he complies. You walk over to him and rip the little outfit right off. You bend him over and slowly start to finger him. "P-pls wwait mommy" he stuttered as you start to go faster. "No only good buys get to go slow" you say with a smirk on your face as you suddenly ram into him. He yelps and automatically started to cry. "What it's all fun and games till it comes time for a punishment, huh" you say laugh at his pain. You start to go faster and you hear him start to whine. "I-I'm ggonna c~umm" he says right before he wants to climax. You pull out and slap his ass. "Not yet. I don't remember giving you permission, did I bitch" you tell him as he continues to whine like a little whore. "P-please" he looks at you with puppy eyes. "Hmmmm no:)" you say at him laughing and putting a cock ring on. Then you strap 3 mini vibrators on his tip and tape them there. "
I think I'll be back later" you say giving him a devilish smirk. You walk out and come back an hour later crying on the floor like a little slut. "P-please I I can't take this no more" he says whimpering at you. " awww looks at the PATHETIC LITTLE BITCH KN THE FLOOR" you scream as you step on his balls.  You take the cock ring off and the vibrators and put them away. "Maybe you can cum tomorrow if you are good"

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