Seeing Colours Part 1

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This story will contain an alternate version of Stranger Things in which once you meet your 'soulmate' you begin to see colour.

Warnings: Swearing, Mentioning of Terminal Illness, Mentioning of Drug Use, Mild Suicidal Themes.

The most common diagnosis in the world is colour blindness, for years no one understood why suddenly this new generation was born colour blind, it was a world wide phenomenon. It was like Adam and Eve all over again, interlocking eyes with what the universe deemed as your soulmate was the only thing that broke the barrier between monotone and colour. You would think it would be simple and smooth sailing, or atleast that's what the universe probably intended- but riots broke out. Those who couldn't love their soulmates marched the streets, saying we should be able to love whoever we want without being questioned if they see colour. The world divided over what people saw as right or wrong, wether people should be allowed to love who they want or stick with what the universe intended.


I've never been able to mix with the rest of the school, people always asked 'why are you so special?' I wouldnt exactly call myself special, infact I was jealous of the fact I couldnt mix with all the other kids because I was ill- but today is the first day I said fuck it, cant stay hauled up in a dusty attic at the top of a school forever right? Of course my Mom heavily protested against it, like any Mom would with my condition. If you couldnt tell, I'm very sick. You could call it terminal seeming as I'm damned with it for eternity, but I'm sick of living my life as the 'poor unfortunate sick person'- sympathy is never something I liked, plus being in that cupboard they called an attic for so long meant I wasnt getting the best of my education and was forced to stay back 2 years, this is my 3rd and I just know it's going to be my year.

But today was definitely NOT my day.

I walked into the crowded lunch area they called the 'cafeteria' hearing the little coughs and sneezes that echoed through the hall made my skin crawl and the hairs on my arms stand on end, but the one thing I noticed more than anything was the eyes that scanned over me with visible grimace plastered on their faces, it was clear I was already very well known. Whispers rang through my ears as if they were my own thoughts 'isnt that the ill kid from the attic? They look half dead.' 'I've heard they were raised by rats and they eat dead animals they find in their attic' 'I bet they're a demon and they eat kids, no wonder so many have gone missing.' 'Oh I'm going to enjoy this', I thought to myself. I looked at the group of people who were the main culprits of the gossip and hissed at them, a few jumped up and one even let out a squeak. The sight of them being so frightened made me double over with laughter, my sides almost cramping- with a gentle shake of my head I made my way towards the end of a half empty table, the top half was filled with a group of basketball players who looked offended I was even sharing their air, I didnt get to catch a glimpse of them but when I did, I got the shock of my life. One male in particular thought it would be funny to begin pestering me, waltzing over with a puffed out chest and blonde swept hair. "Cant you see this tables tak-" the moment I locked eyes with him the world just burst with colour, and god was it beautiful. We both stared in shock and looked around the room, seeing the walls flood with colour and seeing the... very mismatched outfits. Once we finally linked eyes again his shocked expression turned into an attempt at a flirtatious smirk, rudely claiming the seat next to me. "So you're my soulmate huh? You look so much prettier in colour..." The blonde extended a hand out to touch my hair in which I quickly reacted, grabbing a handful of what I guessed was brown- sloppy meat and smooshing it in his face, and with a swift movement standing up with a disgusted look plastered on my previously shocked expression. "I'd rather use my intestines as a noose." Leaving my tray behind I made my way through the aisles of tables, still taking in the breathtaking colours but trying not to make it too obvious that I clearly just found my soulmate. Masses of different reactions came from a variety of the tables within the facility, some impressed, some shocked and some visibly just found me alot weirder, but like I said at the beginning of the day; fuck it.

Once the first day of hell ended, I soon realised I needed some breathing space away from the crowds of judgement and away from the blonde asshole that just happens to be my soulmate. Wandering into the woods, I yanked my tattered backpack which was clustered with old slightly torn stickers and pulled out a bait box typically used for fishing, but it sure as hell wasnt for bait. Did I forget to mention I'm a pot head? I found the bench in which I usually chose to blaze the devils lettuce and laid down on the seat, staring obliviously into the sky which was mostly covered by the groupings of... green? Leafs. I brought the evidently poorly rolled joint to my lips and lit it, my eyes closing as I took a deep pull, the strongly scented smoke escaping through my nostrils, thoughts flooding through my brain over the event that occurred today, I never agreed with people being forced to love who the universe told you to love- a very unpopular opinion in today's day and age, which would only meant finding love would be harder, with my illness as well I might as well kiss my love life goodbye. I was lost in my thoughts, that was until I heard an unfamiliar voice snap me back into reality. "You should ask for a refund from whoever taught you how to roll a joint." Within seconds I shot up and almost fell from my seat, soon locking eyes with the stranger, I instantly knew who he was based off the rumours- Eddie Munson. Bringing two fingers to my lips I pulled the joint out of my mouth and let out a large cloud of smoke in which Eddie waved his hand in an attempt to waver away the cloud of cheap smelling weed. "And from whoever sold you that." Without invitation he slung both his legs over the seat opposite mine, I kept my eyes on the male but didnt say a word- being cautious of his intentions but he seemed friendly enough despite the rumours. "I saw your little run in with Jason earlier, bravo for putting the asshole in his place. Eddie by the way. I already know who you are, the demon of the Attic of Hawkins High School." Eddie put two fingers up to his mouth and pretended they were fangs and grinned, my unamused expression quickly made him retract his hands. "That's a vampire." I placed my joint carefully on the bait box and put my fingers on each side of my head like demon horns. "Demon." I swiftly stated before returning back to my joint. "The point still stands. Youre a freak, I'm a freak. Freaks help each other out..." he began pulling out a box similar to my own and tapping his nails against it excitedly, the tip of his tongue poking out slightly from the corner of his mouth. "I can do you some good deals on some good weed, not whatever-" before he finished his sentence he yanked the joint from my mouth and threw it to the ground, my expression swiftly changed from one to the other- my brows furrowed angrily as I looked over at him. "-you call this shit. First joint free, on me." It was as if it was planned, his fingers dug around the box as he pulled out a perfectly rolled and generously filled joint, he pushed it gently between my lips and grasped a lighter with the words 'hellfire' inscribed on the side, leaning over the table towards me to the point our faces werent more than a few inches away from one another. We locked eyes for a moment as he lit the joint for me, it lingered on for probably longer than it should have but I cant complain, he wasnt... unattractive. I looked suspiciously for a moment and took a long drag, my eyes instantly lighting up. That moment of bliss didnt last long though, I knew he wanted something in return. My eyes slanted slightly and I pulled the joint away from my lips, looking cautiously at the other before asking. "And what do you want in return hm?" I swiftly jumped soon after asking this as he grabbed his chest in the place with his heart would reside and he fell abruptly to the ground, swiftly clambering to his feet soon after. "I'm hurt you would even suggest I wasnt doing this out of the kindness of my own heart! Well... I mean-" he leaned down, placing his elbows on the table and cupping his face in his hands, a mischievous expression on his face. "Maybe a tiny favour... I need more diversity in my group, an older oerson like yourself could reallyy bring in some fresh meat if you get my jist." Eddie paired this sentence with a cheesy wink before he looked at me in hopes I would accept, we just stared awkwardly at each other for a moment before he broke the silence. "So..." he stayed leant over and uncupped his hands from his face, they almost became jazz hands in the way he used them to emphasise his sentence. "What do you say Y/N? You in?" Eddie grinned at me like a toddler who had just had their first taste of candy. "You mean the famous cult of Hawkins? If by fresh meat you mean sacrifices to whatever God you pray too then no thanks, I dont really feel like being the sex symbol for a cult." I playfully expressed with an smirk and a chuckle under my breath, Eddie looked deflated as I slung my backpack over my shoulder and began to walk off before glancing back over at him over my shoulder with a slight smirk. "Do I get a t-shirt?" I questioned Eddie in which he responded 'yes' without hesitation. "Then I'll see you tomorrow, freak." Were my last words to the infamous Eddie Munson before I disappeared once again into the woods.

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