The Reality of the First Time

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Warning: Smut, swearing,

Please do NOT continue reading if you're under the age of 18. This is purely a Smut chapter.

Apologies if the terms used are 'cringe' I have to use gender neutral terminology so then its readable and enjoyable for everyone. Eddie is 18+ in this story and so is Y/N.

3rd Person POV:

Y/N and Eddie had made a plan, to lose their virginity to one another before finally graduating. They werent in a romantic relationship, but it was evident to everyone but each other that they had a crush on one another. They were both in the same boat when it came to graduating late and they both just happened to be virgins. Most would call this a coincidence, the rest would call it fate.

Y/N's parents were out of town for a few days, the perfect opportunity for Eddie and Y/N's plan to lose their virginity to one another. Y/N had piles of 'sex advise' and 'porn mags' stacked by the side of their bed, they had been studying the art of sex since the plan was first put in place. Ever since then it's been a little awkward between Y/N and Eddie, they hardly spoke and just set a date, a time and a place, and today was the day.

Y/N waited patiently outside the school, clenching their bag tightly with all the 'tools' they needed inside. The nerves grew for Y/N, they knew being on the receiving end would be much more taxing and probably hurt. Y/N didnt notice Eddie walking towards them and jumped once he put a hand on their shoulder. "Sorry, didnt mean to make you jump." Eddie let out a slight chuckle, hoisting his bag comfortably on his shoulder and giving Y/N a reassuring smile, it was obvious he was nervous too. "You're okay. Shall we uhm... make our way to my house?" Y/N questioned Eddie who just nodded in response.

The walk their was mostly silent, until they began to approach closer to the house and Eddie decided to swallow his pride and speak. "Have you got everything?" Eddie looked over towards Y/N who was looking blankly into the distance, they snapped their head round to face Eddie and gave a quick nod. "Good, I brought some stuff too." This made Y/N curious, they had already got everyone on the list what else would they need? They returned back to silence, that was until it was once again interrupted by Dustin squeezing his way between the two with a cheeky grin on his face. "Some stuff huh? What you guys up to?" Dustin grinned at the pair, Y/N lived near Dustin's house and Eddie was pratically in the opposite direction, seeming as Y/N and Eddie were from 2 completely different cliques it was odd to see them both together. Panic flushed over Y/Ns face, but the lie to cover up the truth just rolled off Eddie's tongue like butter. "I, am going to teach Y/N D&D. They're not allowed around the club because their parents don't want them alone around a group of boys. So I said I'd teach them." Eddie was able to lie smoothly, which shocked Y/N but they just rolled with it. "Oh, cool! Do you need a 3rd wheel? I'm free." Dustin exclaimed excitedly and Y/Ns eyes widened. "No! I mean... no thank you, my siblings will be helping us play. My older brother knows the game inside and out s-so." Y/N wasnt great at lying, but it was convincing enough to Dustin. "Well, I hope to see you join Hellfire Club soon Y/N." Dustin spoke kindly before rushing off. Both Eddie and Y/N sighed in relief and laughed a little together before arriving at Y/Ns front door.

Once they got indoors they both took off their shoes and hung up their jackets and bags, thr awkward silence coming back to haunt the pair. Y/N cleared their throat and looked towards Eddie, still struggling to keep eye contact. "Do you want a drink? Or just to... get it over and done with?" Y/N asked Eddie politely. Eddie let out a small laugh and leaned a little against the wall, arms folded. "Some would think you wanted me gone already." Eddie rose a brow with a small smirk on his face, Y/N became speechless for a moment- they couldnt muster up the words. Eddie approached the other and towered slightly over them, a hand slithering up Y/Ns neck and Eddie leaned down to press his lips against theirs, Eddies fingers gently grasping the back of Y/Ns neck and they returned the kiss. Their lips at first were out of rhythm and found it hard to find harmony but when they finally did it was blissful. Their soft lips making slight noises as the two engaged in the tender kiss, unfortunately for the two this was probably as loving and tender as tonight would get, from here on it would be nothing but disaster.

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