Til' Death do us part, Munson.

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Side note, I will be releasing a chapter of 'seeing colours' every 3 one shots I do. After this one I will be making the 2nd Part. This one shot is based in the upside down and MAY contain spoilers for Volume 2. ENJOY!

Warning: Possible Spoilers, Swearing, Themes Relating to Death, Mild Suicide References 


It felt like we was going into battle, a war almost. One between us, and the world set in mold... the upside down. Watching Eddie strum on the guitar as the wave of what seems like our doom descends it's way towards us, we distract them away from the others with the loud powerful noise of Eddie's guitar, despite it being a SUPER inappropriate time- Eddie sure knew how to play the guitar and make it look hot even in the worst of environments. My nerves rose with every countdown Dustin gave us, I wasnt use to fighting, I was use to avoiding looking the problem in the face in order to survive, not this time- this time I'm not in the upside down with the demobats- they're in the upside down with me. Or so I told myself to try and come across as hard as nails, realistically I'm shitting myself.

I heard my name being shouted as I blanked out, I sharply turn my head to face the noise to see Eddie and Dustin screaming for me to follow them into the trailer, I look towards the direction of the demobats and quickly realise they're a few seconds away. Without hesitation we all ran like our lifes depended on it into the trailer, Eddie locking the gate and us all getting into the trailer- panting heavily from the exhausting yet brief sprint. Falling to the floor I took deep heavy breathes and looked up at Eddie managing to dread up a reassuring smile to let him know I was okay.

After a moment whilst Dustin wasnt in ear shot I made my way hurriedly towards Eddie. "Eddie... we arent going to be able to run this time." I whispered to him with a gaze of concern, looking towards Dustin for a moment and back towards Eddie. "Hes just a kid. He shouldnt be seeing all this. We get him to safety, then we run like hell." I say to Eddie, who let out a gentle sigh. Eddie rose his hands to my face and cupped both sides of it and gave me a small, yet sad smile. "I hoped we would get out of here intact enough to get married. Finish school, see the world- just me and you." Eddie whispered, what looked like tears slowly cascading down his pale cheeks. "We still can Eddie, I'll be by your side no matter what-" I pulled out the ring I had tucked down my shirt as it dangled from the chain around my neck. Without hesitation he pressed his pink soft lips against mine and engaged in a kiss that felt like the last.

Dustin made his way up the hand made rope, beckoning us to come along. I clambered up the line with a knife and held it up to the top with intent to cut it, but was quickly met with a swift force from below pushing me hard enough for me to fall on the mattress on the other side, dropping the knife before I fell. With panic, I looked up and saw Eddie pushing the mattress away with tears streaming down his face. "Eddie! Eddie no!" I screamed at the top of my lungs, Dustin doing the same as we pleaded. "You'll find love again baby! I'm just sorry it cant be me. I love you, but I cant run anymore." He shouted before disappearing. I began to hyperventaile, looking around desperately. "Dus...Dustin, I'm going after him... he'll kill himself." Despite in a time where I needed to be strong, my body went into a panic. My jaw went numb, my chest fell like daggers and my breathing rapid. I close my eyes and took a deep breath, gulping down my fear. Within seconds I swiftly searched through the cupboards. "Cmon Eddie where did you put it..." I whispered aloud, tins and clutter falling to the counter and swiftly grasping the half empty can of hairspray and grabbing a lighter. "Dustin, you stay here. You stay here and if me and Eddie arent back, you dont find us. You run like hell and you keep yourself safe. Just tell the world how much of a good guy Eddie was yeah? That he wasnt a murderer." I quickly muttered to him, giving him a smile and jumping on a chair- with a swift jump I landed on the other side with a thump, a sharp pain shooting through my shoulder as I screamed out in agony, but now wasnt a time for pain, Eddie needed me now more than ever. I took the ring into my hand for a moment and kissed it before running out, my eyes were met with the bats circling around like a tornado. I ran full speed towards the Tornado of bats, it was clear that Eddie was taking them on alone. Once I finally got there I screamed his name, pulling out the lighter from my back pocket along with the hairspray. "Come on you bastards!" I screamed to take some of the attention away from Eddie, I lit the lighter and pointed the hairspray towards the open flame, and let hell break loose. Large flames protruded from the other end, screeching coming from the burning bats, I was able to manoeuvre my way so that I was in the middle of the tornado of bats with Eddie. Eddie looked in shock towards me but didnt protest, we put our backs together and fought- we didnt run, we didnt hide... we fought till the very end.

We laid there together, blood stained clothing, flesh torn to shreds and burn marks covering our exposed skin, yet I could still look at him and smile. "We put up a fight baby." I whispered, putting to the side the unbearable agony. With a shaky hand he placed a hand on my face and caressed it, grazing his thumb agaisnt my cheek. "We didnt run this time, right?" Eddie asked and I nodded, small tears falling from my eyes. "Right. You're a Hero, Eddie. Not a monster, I wish everyone could have seen you how I do." I managed to roll a little on my side, a small gasp passing my lips as the wounds pressed against the floor. Shuffling over and resting my head on his chest. Eddies heart beat was faint, as was my own- darkness slowly closing in, and I muttered these last words. "Till Death do us part, Munson..."

8 Years Later.

Third Person POV:

Dustin held yellow tulips in his hand that he picked himself, stroking the petals with his thumb as he walked slowly towards the grave. He traced his fingers agaisnt the grave and sighed gently, patting it with his fingertips gently before placing the tulips on the grave. "If only you could see us now..." Dustin whispered. He was quickly interrupted by a small child no older than 3 tugging on his trouser leg. "Uncle Dustin! Daddies trying to find me!" He spoke not very discreetly, hiding behind Dustin's leg who let out a gentle laugh, and no other than Eddie the Freak Munson appeared over the small mound, his hair was shorter and his face was covered in scars but it looked badass. "Hmmm I wonder where Michael is..." Eddie grinned, pretending he didnt see him behind Dustin's legs before quickly grabbing him with a loud laugh and lifting him above his head. "I found you!" Eddie exclaimed excitedly. Before you knew it another figure appeared from the distance, and it was no other than Y/N, who had a large scar going from their left cheek to their right eyebrow. "You boys are getting too fast for me!" They said with a laugh before they joined the 3 of them, Y/N turning towards Dustin and ruffling his curly hair. "You're too tall for me now Dusty." Y/N let out a gentle laugh, Eddie doing the same before pulling Y/N close. "We have actually got something to tell you Dustin..." Eddie's tone turned serious and his face became as hard as rock. "Oh yes very serious." Y/N nodded, trying not to giggle. "Wait what is it? Has something happened?" Dustin was instantly panicked. Eddie's serious tone broke and a smile twitched at his lips. "We are expecting baby number 2." Eddie revealed to the other, Dustin's face now an image of pure happiness as he with a swift gesture embraced them all. "I'm gonna be an uncle... again!" They all responded with a laugh before breaking off the tender embrace, Michael and Dustin began to chase each other in a game of tag leaving the couple to enjoy each others company for a moment. "We almost didnt have this." Y/N pointed out, looking towards Eddie with a grateful smile. "If it wasnt for Dustin ignoring what I told him we wouldnt of been bat food. We wouldn't of been married, ar wouldn't of had Michael... or Rosie." Y/N looked into the distance towards Dustin and Michael, with tears in their eyes. "Now you're gonna have me and Rosie kicking you three into line." Y/N spoke with a chuckle before wrapping their arms around Eddie who returned the embrace, kissing the top of their head. "All the more to look forward to." Eddie stated with a gentle smile and pure love for the other in his eyes. "I'm going to give you all the world, cause you deserve it more than anyone. I'll never leave your side." Eddie whispered, tucking a hair behind Y/Ns ear before pulling out the ring from around his neck that dangled from a chain. "Till Death do us part?" Eddie questioned, Y/N pulled out their ring also, a smile spread across their cheeks. "Til' Death Do us part, Munson."

I purposely didnt specify about the pregnancy whether Y/N was pregnant or if it was via surrogacy so then it left room for those who dont have a womb. I hope this clears up any confusion there may be!

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