Seeing Colours Part 3

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Warnings: Swearing, graphic violence.


My eyes began to slowly open, which I guess I should be thankful for after the accident- my eyesight wasnt quite clear and I could barely make out the voices over the ringing in my ears. With a soft groan I attempted to sit up, the pain surging through my body the second I began to move. I could just about make out the two figures as they turned to face me, the strong smell of beer and weed hit my nostrils like a... I'd say car but that's already happened once today. Or was it even the same day? Or year?! But then again what hospital reeks of weed and beer? Apparently Eddie's trailer does. The image before me became clearer as I realised it was Eddie and... Steve Harrington. Eddie was the first to get up and check on me, kneeling down by the side of the sofa. "You okay?" Eddie asked bluntly and I looked towards him and glared. "Oh yeah never felt fucking better. The absolute CAR load of serotonin I feel right now is astonishing. Astronomical! Why the fuck am I not in a hospital?!" I shouted loudly towards the two of them, both stared blankly and I groaned loudly with aggravation. "God not a brain cell between you! I'll go myself!" I wrapped my finger around my bag and attempted to stand up, falling down the second I did but I was luckily caught by Eddie. That one moment gave me flashbacks to me and Eddie, spooning in the tent intimately. That flashback soon crashed as anger welled up in me, I made my way to the sofa. "You're lucky I don't sue your ass Harrington! If I had the money I'd take your ass to court and puncture your wheels just for the fucking fun of it!" I pratically growled at the other in anger, Steve and Eddie let me have my 10 minute rant about how idiotic they were until Steve stopped me. "You're overreacting Y/N. You literally drove into my ca-" before he could finish I lept on him and started repeatedly hitting him, all I could see in that moment was red. Eddie wrapped his arms around my stomach and pulled me off, I flung my head back and head butted Eddie in the nose and it started bleeding. He put me down and held his bleeding nose, pulling his blood covered hands away. Realisation washed over me as I hobbled over to him, grabbing some tissue and holding it to his nose, looking downwards. "Sorry... the anger got to me." Steve stood up with minimal marks, I didnt really go for him as much as I would have liked to, but enough to send a message. Eddie wiped his nose and gave me a slight grin paired with a chuckle. "You got me good." I punched him gently in the shoulder, and smiled a little in return. "Uh hello? Still here." Steve exclaimed towards us and I glared intensely. "Yeah and you should be grateful you still are as-" before I could finish the trailer shook to the side and a loud 'thump' rung through the trailer. Everyone looked at each other and Eddie peered outside into the pitch black, but there was nothing there. Another thump hit the window and a bat like creature attached itself to the window, it was similar to a bat but I've never seen one that looked like that. It screeched at Eddie who backed away from the window, both Steve and Eddie looked at each other as if this was normal for them. "What was that?" I asked and Eddie covered my mouth, some thumping was heard on the roof, as if something was walking along it, all of us looking up towards it. It stopped for a few moments and Eddie slowly let go of my mouth, my breathing became rapid for a moment but slowed down once we thought it was gone. "Fuck that was clo" before Steve could finish an eruption of screeching came from outside, Steve and Eddie grabbed whatever objects could be classed as a weapon from around the trailer and I looked in confusion. "What the fuck is going on!" I shouted, Eddie shoved a spike covered bat in my hands and didnt say a word. I took the initiative and looked outside to see a whirl wind of bats circling the trailer, a single huge bat in the centre of it all. "Oh... my..." The large bat charged towards the trailer and pierced its claws into the side of it, I screamed loudly as the side of it got ripped off. "We arent safe in here! We need to get to my car!" Steve shouted. "How did they even get here or find us?!" Eddie questioned and the two of them were just as confused as the other. I began to cough profusely, holding my stomach as blood poured out of my mouth and onto the ground of the trailer directly ontop of the mattress in the centre of the floor. "We need to get her home." Steve held her hand on the door handle and Eddie put one of my arms over his neck. I looked at him and wanted to protest but I was too exhausted and in shock to care at that moment. Steve opened the door and we all ran as fast as we could, despite Eddie supporting my weight he was able to run pretty quick. Fighting off a few bats in the process before we made it to Steve's car. Steve quickly drove off and Eddie looked back at his trailer with a sigh, slumping down in his seat. He looked at me and managed to dread up a smile despite the clear sadness in his eyes. "How you feeling?" He questioned concerned, I nodded gently and gave a thumbs up. "Good as I can be seeming as I just witnessed a... demon bat tornado." Eddie managed to let out a small laugh but he was clearly still devastated over the loss of his home. "Eddie if you need a place to stay for a while I dont mind you staying with me... I'll have to ask my parents but we have a spare room we can rent out for a bit?" I offered, putting a hand on his shoulder and rubbing it gently as I tried to reassure him. "I appreciate that Y/N I'll give it a thought, thanks." I gave a small nod and attempted to give Steve directions. "You still live at the same place right?" Steve questioned and I nodded. "Dont worry I know the way. Its the only house on the street with a bright red door." Steve smiled over at me and I didnt return it, I still held a grudge. Not just over him hitting me with a car, but many things from our past also. It didn't take long till we realised the bats were following us. "They're following us!" I shouted and Eddie whipped round and saw, Steve looking in his mirror. "Shit!" Steve exclaimed and I thought for a second. "Steve... park up the car." I demanded and he looked as if I was crazy. "Y/N are you serious-" Steve questioned. "Do it!" I shouted. With hesitation he did. We all quickly got out and I made my way under the car, pain surging through my body but I managed to get my way under. I cut the exhaust pipes and open the door of the car, slipping the key in. I tore the sleeve off my shirt and doused it in some gasoline before setting it on fire. I threw it in the car and turned it on before grabbing a stone from next to us to weigh it down. "Sorry Steve." It drove into the tornado of bats and I bit my lip in hope. "Cmon Cmon Cmon..." it exploded just in time, setting all the little demon bats alight. We watched the scene erupt before us in awe and Steve looked almost devastated. "My car-" he whispered under his breath. After a moment of dwelling we made our way over to my house, they both supported me the best they could until we arrived. They knocked on the door and my Mom swiftly rushed out in a panic. "Thank god your... mostly okay. Did you see the tornado?! It wasnt even put on the paper! Are you boys okay too? Come come! I've just made dinner you all must be so hungry!" The boys helped me inside and sat me down on the sofa, they both accompanied me by sitting side by side me. "Your stepdad wont be back for a few days, hes out on business. It was very sudden so you boys coming along means my extra portions wont go to waste!" My Mom came out with 3 plates of food and handed us all one. "Thank you Mrs-" Eddie was about to say but she interrupted him. "Mrs Nolans." My Mom smiled at Eddie and Steves eyes widened. "You remarried?" Steve questioned, his cheeks full of food. "How do you- well I'll be damned you're Steve Harrington! Now I havent see you in years. How you been darlin?" My Mom questioned, those two continued to chat for a while as I struggled to get food in my mouth, Eddie began to see my struggle and he helped me eat. "Don't argue just eat." Eddie said with a slight sterm tone, I didn't protest and just ate each mouthful that came my way.

30 Minutes Later

Steve and Eddie began talking to one another about what was going on, I decided I had enough of demon bats for one day and went to go talk to my Mom. "Mom can I talk to you about something?" I questioned and she smiled and nodded. "What's up Muffin? Something on your mind?" She questioned as she began to do dishes. "Are you okay if Eddie stays for a couple of days? His place got torn up by the ba- tornado. We still have the spare room right?" I asked as politely as I could and she sighed, she turned round to face me. "No funny business. He can stay till your stepdads back AND he does not come into your room, understand?" My Mom spoke sternly and I nodded. "I understand." I smiled and hobbled over to the two. "Eddie you can stay in the spare room for a couple days. Until you get back on your feet." I smiled at him and he looked slightly shocked. "I appreciate it. Thank you Mrs Nolans!" Eddie shouted towards my Mum. "You're welcome buttercup!" She shouted back. "I better make my way home." Steve stated, standing up. "Now you sit right back down Mr you ain't going nowhere till this storms cleared up! What kind of parent would I bet letting my babies friends walk around in a storm hm? You can call you parents on the phone and tell them you're safe and will be back tomorrow." My Mom told him, he didnt dare argue and sat back down. "We have some clothes you can use, we were going to take them down to the charity shop but theres no harm in getting one more use out of them." They didn't respond, only did as they were told.

Night was closing in, Eddie and Steve had to share a room but it was better than nothing, I hobbled in to check on them to see Steve sound asleep. Eddie was anything but asleep, staring at the ceiling. I sighed and walked over, sitting on the end of his bed. "You okay?" I whispered, not wanting to wake Steve. "As good as I can be considering." Eddie sat up and laid on the wall behind the bed with me. "You still coughing blood?" Eddie questioned and I nodded. "My tooth got knocked out, I learnt that's the source of the blood." As I spoke a spot or two of blood dropped on the corner of the mattress. "Speak of the devil." I let out a chuckle and tried wiping it off. "Sorry." I said apologetically to Eddie. "Can you see colour Eddie?" I question, him and he shook his head. "Not found the one yet. I took a guess when Jason said you were his soul mate. That must suck for his girlfriend Chrissy." Eddie put his hands behind his head and stared st the wall. "He has a girlfriend?" I looked towards him shocked, hes been trying it on with me despite having a girlfriend?! "Probably not anymore. Why? You fancy him?" Eddie grinned and winked at my and I fake gagged. "Dont make me laugh." I responded,  Eddie replied with a light chuckle. "I'm gonna get some sleep, you better do so too Munson." I smiled and got up, hobbling to my room.

The Next Morning

Eddie's POV:

I woke up from my nightmare covered in sweat and panting, I dreamed that we were in the upside down again, the place where I almost died. I looked around and noticed Steve was gone, I looked at the clock and realised it was 2 O'clock in the afternoon. "Shit!" I pulled the covers off myself, but what I saw underneath made my body freeze. There was moss. Red moss, like the one that grew in the upside down.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2022 ⏰

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