Horror Stories to Tell in the Dark

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Warnings: Swearing, Mild Seuxal Themes, Mild Graphic Themes.

"Thats when they said the creature escaped... trails of bodies left behind wherever it went." Dustin told, the flashlight reflecting on his attempt at a scary mysterious expression. Most of the group seemed unamused and bored at his story, Eddie's head drooped to the side and his eyes closed as he pretended to snore. Y/N let out a slight giggle at the clearly bored Eddie, Eddie swiftly shot up causing a selected few members of the group to jump. "You call THAT... a horror story?" Eddie with a swift motion snatched the flashlight and huddled over the fire, shining the light towards his face. A mischievous look on his face as his eyes scanned each and every person with deviance. "Now let me tell you a real scary story." Everyone began to huddle closer together, intrigued in the story before it had even begun. "Pretending To Sleep Doesn’t Work Anymore...
A young boy is sleeping in his bed on a usual night. He hears footsteps outside his door, and peeks out from under his bedsheets to see what is happening... His door swings open!" Eddie shouts causing a few to jump, Eddie reacted with an evil laugh and stands up, beginning to circle the group. "To reveal a murderer carrying the corpses of his parents. After silently propping them up on a chair, he writes something on the wall in the blood of his dead parents." Eddie raised a hand and pretended to draw words in the air, a smirk spread across his lips. "Then hides under the childs bed.
The child is scared beyond belief. He can’t read the writing on the wall and he knows the man is under his bed. Like any child, he pretends he slept through the whole thing and hasn’t awoken yet. He lays as still as the bodies, quietly hearing the breaths from under his bed." Eddie leaned down into Dustin's ear and let out large huffs of breath, followed by yet another evil chuckle. He returned to circling the group, slowly beginning to approach Y/N and gauging eye contact with them.
"An hour passes, and his eyes are adjusting more and more to the darkness. He tried to make out the word, but it’s a struggle. He gasps when he finally makes out the sentence..." Appearing behind Y/N he leant down into their ear and whispered loud enough for the entire group to hear. "I know you're awake..." Before anyone had time to react, Eddie dropped the flashlight and wrapped his arms around Y/Ns waist, lifting them up in the air with an evil laugh, Y/N screamed and flailed their legs around whilst the other members of the group laughed. "Eddie put me down!" Y/N shouted with a terrified screech mixed with a laugh, Eddie's usual cheeky smile on his lips as he placed them down, taking a seat beside them. "Now that's how you tell a scary story!" Eddie grinned at the group, everyone looked in shock at one another. "So... did the kid die? Or does it just end?" Will questioned, Eddie's head snapped towards him. "That's the mystery... you'll never know." Eddie made a 'ooOoo' noise to put emphasis on the spookiness and twiddled his fingers infront of his face as if to mock the spookiness of it. Eddie jumped back up and clapped his hands which caused a chain reaction of jumps. "Right! Time for bed!" Eddie exclaimed, Y/N stood up in response and stretched their arms and back, everyone making their way to their tents. Y/N just happened to be sharing with Eddie... Alone.


I clambered into the tent with Eddie, grasping a cluster of clothing from out of my backpack and looking over at Eddie who was smirking at me, with a small huff I made a spinning motion with my finger to tell him to turn around. Eddie's smirk turned into a frown and a mocking voice which sounds like 'turn around'. Once he eventually did I began to slowly unclothe myself, sliding into a pair of pj shorts and socks- but before I could put on my top I felt a pair of slender yet slightly muscular warm arms wrap around my waist, warm wet lips leaving a trail of kisses from my jaw to my shoulder. "So... when we gonna tell them?" Eddie whispered whilst continuing to leave light pecks on the soft skin of my neck. "Eddie, I told you already I'm not ready to be open about our relationship yet... especially to Steve." Eddie's seductive smile turned into a frown as he backed off and sighed, scratching the back of his head. "Why do you always protect him. Why do I have to keep US a secret cause you're scared to hurt HIM?! You broke up, you dont owe him shit!" Eddie got surprisingly angry, I looked at him  taken aback by this reaction- I had never seen Eddie angry. "Hes still my friend Eddie, and yours too. He will put two and two together and realise I left him for y-" it was at that point I realised a shadow standing close to the tent. "Shit someones heard us." I stated, the shadow quickly scuttered away and Eddie quickly exited the tent to catch whoever was spying on us, without hesitation I slid my shirt on and followed after him hurriedly after him. Once I caught up I saw Eddie pinning Steve agaisnt the tree. "Eddie! Let go!" I rushed over and tried to pull his hands off but he had a death like grip. "Why were you spying on us?" Eddie gritted his teeth angrily and yanked him up by the shirt tighter. "Why didnt you tell me you left me for him?!" Steve responded except this time the question was directed towards me. "They dont have to answer shit creep!" Eddie was visibly angry, angrier than I had ever witnessed in the past. "Because I fell in love Steve, I knew you could never look at me like you looked at Nancy... Eddie made me feel special." I responded with my eyes becoming wet with tears, as I spoke those last few words the rest of the group peered from behind the trees. "You and Eddie are together?" Dustin whispered, a shocked look on all their faces. Eddie let go of Steve and walked over to me, gently taking me into his arms to comfort me as I was visually distraught. "Yes." Eddie answered bluntly, the silence was deafening, but was quickly interrupted by an excited Dustin. "Ha! I knew it! You owe me $5!" He turned to Mike who rolled his eyes and handed Dustin the 5$ note. Notes were exchanged between members of the group and I looked up at Eddie visibly shocked before returning my gaze back to the others. "You all knew?!" I exclaimed at the others, a majority nodding before Steve put up hid hand. "Just me who didnt? No? Okay." He returned his hand to his side. "You guys didn't hide it very well. We..." Dustin gave Steve a soft nudge in the side and gave us his brightest smile. "Are just glad you two are happy." Eddie looked down and me and I met his gaze, we both smiled happily at one another and almost relieved.

Once everyone had left me and Eddie just held one another in the woods, Eddie was clearly chuffed about something. "So- you love me?" Eddie asked in a calm and loving tone, I met his gaze and let out a little huff, gently hitting his chest. "No! It was just... spur of the moment." I lied. Eddie laughed in response and swayed excitedly side to side, forcing me to do the same as he has his arms wrapped around me. "You love me you love me, you admitted you love me." He sang in a sing song voice in which I giggled in response too. "I love you Eddie Munson." I whispered lovingly to the other, he stopped and looked down towards me once again. "I love you too Y/N Y/L/N."

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