2; Behind The Mask

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Behind The Mask


This is it. The moment of truth. The most intense war there will ever be for the fairies and humans.

After Selena's help with finding out about the attack, the fairies stay up all night guarding the Wonderland entrance which is also guarded by poisonous vines and thorns.

The humans slowly make their way towards Wonderland once the clock strikes three. They hide behind trees and the castle walls, since the only thing between Wonderland and the Castle is just a big open field.

And that field is where everything will start.

"Get the top archers up to the cliff. Now." Taylor commands quietly as she secures her flower crown on her head. She wants to keep it on, show all the human she's the leader here.

She then slips on her mask. It is made of special leather which could never be found in the human world. Her fairy friends styled it for her. They made it butterfly shaped, and sprinkle some fairy dust on them, so they stand out in the dark.

She puts on her purple fighting costume. It isn't very complex, she likes to be comfortable when fighting. Besides, she likes the fact that it matches with her light pink wings.

Selena also likes to wear comfortable clothes, so she puts on her dark green dress which also matches her wings and her black mask.

Ed quietly followers behind, every single footstep Taylor takes, he is cautious about it.

All the archer fairies have their full armors on. They are very important, therefore Taylor wanted to keep them safe.

The sun slowly rises, but the humans are still keeping themselves hidden. The fairies stand at the very edge of the line, ready for an attack at any time.

Harry looks around, planning for the first area to attack. Due to darkness, Harry couldn't see all the fairies that are ready to fight.

Why is Wonderland so quiet? He thought. A usual Wonderland night would be fairies singing all night long, annoying him most of the time. It is just creepily quiet.

Taylor flies forward to the front of the archers waiting on the top of the cliff before scanning the big field, sensing hiding humans everywhere.

"We attack first." She whispers before stepping backwards as the first archer took her position. Pointing the bow up in the sky, aiming for the humans behind the big rock in the field.

Taylor doesn't like the waiting game, she doesn't want to wait for the sun to rise. She wants to do it now.

"Ready for the first move." Taylor steps back from the archers and tell the creatures below the cliff to be ready. Her and Selena will stay under the cliff until everyone starts attacking.

In less than a second, the first archer does the attack. The arrow shoots faster than human eyes could catch it, and takes down a soldier.

That soldier cries in pain, cathing Harry's attention making him realise what was going on.

Wonderland is ready to fight.

Taylor returns to the top of the cliff again. But this time, her vision is clearer, she can now locate about where the prince is.

"Well, well, well!" Taylor shouts making all the humans freeze in terror, including Harry.

"Attacking Wonderland once again? Seem like your people didn't die enough!" Her voice echoes across the green field.

She plasters a satisfied smile on her face, when the humans didn't react. They jusr froze, not knowing whether to attack or wait quietly.

"So what if I am?" Harry gathers his courage and shouts back at the voice he heard. "What if I will take this land down?"

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