An update

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So sorry this is not a chapter, I just need to update you guys on a fee things.

First I'm so sorry for not updating much lately, I have seventeen exams this month. SEVENTEEN. that's like one every two days and it's keeping me super busy. But I promise I'm still writing, just a little bit at a time. Don't worry I don't want to disappoint you guys I'm never leaving this book.

SECONDLY. Sadly I'll be deleting some of my other books like Our Distance. It was one of my biggest successes but I just couldn't go on with it anymore. So sorry if you liked it, but it is the right thing to do. I will also be deleting a few other books.


I have 2-3 new books coming and I'm getting the plots ready, meaning no writer's block AND no deleting books this time :) I hope you look forward to them!

Again I apologise for not updating however I promise you I will update when I finish my exams (around mid June) I WON'T LET YOU DOWN I PROMISE.

Thank you for understanding and sticking around to read my terribly slow update. I love you xoxo


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