7; First Warning

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Sorry guys there was a mistake in the chapter, I accidently published this chapter before I was done writing
Sincerely apologise, please read again, I added in heaps of stuff!


First Warning


Harry Styles

"Zayn," I put myself in between him and the door as he makes his way out. "You can't do this."

"Just because you have the blood of your father doesn't mean anything. I am the oldest one, and your father put me incharge of you." Zayn scoffs and pushes my apart but I hold him back once more.

"Give me time. Please." I beg, giving him my best innocent look. "I'm new to this, like you said. Practising does make perfect doesn't it?"

"No, Styles. Do you know how many soldiers we lose each time we attack?" He stops walking and turn back around with an unsatisfied look. "We can't just keep throwing away lives after lives."

"I know, I know." I say thoughtfully and hold my head up confidently. "How about... Thirteen days?"


"Give me thirteen days to plan, and figure everything out, and on the fourteenth day, I will burn down that place."

He gives me an unsure look, his eyebrows pressed together as he's in deep thought.

Please say yes, please say yes.

"Thirteen days." He repeats before looking around the room. "So be it."

"Yes! Thank you!" I squeal, nearly throwing a brotherly hug at him, but hold myself back on time.

"But," He interrupts making my smile fade quickly. "If you don't succeed by the day, what's gonna happen, Styles?"

"Then you can take the throne." I let the words slip from my mouth before regretting it. I know I'll never be able to take down that place, I'll never be able to take down Taylor. Sooner or later, once he gets on the throne, it's the end.

I was too late.

He already holds a satisfying smirk on his face, before chuckling and turns away. "Keep your word, dear cousin."

He lets out a deep laugh before making his way down the hall and soon disappears.

I've never regretted my words so much in my life. But it's too late now, I should do something about this. Just then an idea slips into my mind. I run back to my room, on the top floor of the castle, before taking off my stupid looking cape that drags along the floor when I walk, leaving me in my blazer.

Suddenly there is a knock on my door, making me jump a distant into the air.

"One more thing, cousin." Zayn barges into my room, his hand in his pocket, holding something.

"Your wedding is in a month."

"A month?!" I cringe and gasp in disbelief.

Zayn ignores my expression and takes a small diamond ring out of his pocket and stuffs it in my hand.

"This isn't those cliche weddings where the boy drops on one knee and propose to the girl, Harry. That's in fairytales." He rolls his eyes.

If I was with Taylor, that could happen.

Stop it Harry.

"This is an unprepared marriage. Which means I'm incharge of mating you two." Zayn explains as if this was all part of his plan. It probably is.

"Katy has the ring already, too. The ceremony is in a month. Better not die in the battle, Styles." he snickers lightly like it's a joke.

"Stop calling me by my last name." I sass at him, trying to burn him in a way but he ignored me and casually walks out of my room.

Without hesitation, I grab a small torch on my desk before returning down to the hall, making sure Zayn is iut of sight,and sneak pass the guards as I start to make my run towards Wonderland.

I have to warn Taylor, I need to make sure in the thirteen days, nothing happens to her.

I'm going to see her again.

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