14; Better Unknown

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Better Unknown


Taylor Swift

Harry and I sit on the edge of the fountain, as the water slowly flows out from the top. I try not to look desperate to know about his jewelry, or whatever they are. So I remain quiet for a bit, and once I see Harry looking into the distance, I take a deep breath and casually ask him, "Harry, what are these?" I point to his sparkling objects on his fingers.

"They're rings," Harry says with a gentle smile before shifting his body a bit closer to me and reaches out his right hand so I can see them clearly.

"Are they... Metals?" I fearfully ask him.

"Yes, why? Have you never seen it?"

"Oh, I've seen it. It's just that I've never used it before." I deny, but in my head, I'm actually thinking I don't like metals because your weapons are made of metals and they are sharp, and they kill fairies.

"Rings..." I repeat thoughtfully about the strange word. I can probably make one for my friends, they look cool.

He starts to tell my the meaning of his rings on his right hand, they are smaller and looks less complicated than the ones on his left. He points to his right middle finger, "this one doesn't really have a meaning, I just like it." He explains and chuckles lightly.

He then comes across to his left hand, which I become more nervous, but he only explained the one on his pointing finger.

"It's my dad's. I just wanted to keep it with myself all the time," he finishes his explaination before looking into distance with a sad look on his face. He must miss his father very much. He looks back at me before we both stare at each other in silence for a second, which actually feels like minutes, and even a lifetime.

"That's cool," I say at last, my gaze moves to the ring he didn't explain, "what about this one?"

His smile suddenly turns into a frown as if he remembers something. He gets up from the fountain edge as I do the same.

He thinks for a moment, a word or two slips out of his mouth but it doesn't form a sentence. In fact, it didn't make sense. He looks around and avoids my gaze, "I have to go, you should go home too."

"What? Why?" I stubbornly block his way, expecting an answer from him, but then again, we're enemies.

"You don't want the guards to be suspicious, do you?" He raises his eyebrow. I shake my head. "Then run. Go home, Taylor."

Knowing that he isn't going to answer me, I step out of his way, "okay. Bye then," then I walk down the garden to the opposite way he is heading and quickly make my way out of the gates with the hood over my face.

And once I step out of the gate, we're enemies once again. I know he was lying, the metal piece must means something, but he doesn't want to tell me.

I turn around and see Harry making his way back into the castle with a worried look on his face. What did the ring mean? Why doesn't he want to tell me? What is he hiding?


I find Selena at the center of Wonderland, playing some games with the little fairies and the fair creatures and I rush into her.

All the little fairies see me before immediately drop whatever they're doing and curtsey and all saying, "Princess Taylor,"

Feeling oddly embarassed, I curtsey back, "hello little fairy friends."

Some of them squeal as if I'm someone famous. I kind of am, a princess is kind of famous after all.

"Hey Selly," I greet her with a smile and she grins back, "what are you all playing?"

"We're making flower crowns!" She answers excitedly as she hands me one with wild daisies and roses, and I put it on my head.

She says she's kind of bored of flower crowns, so I tell her about rings, without mentioning where I knew it from.

"So it's kind of a bracelet, for your fingers or something like that." I say. "And I think they're supposed to have some sort of meaning behind it."

"How are we going to make this, exactly?" Selena asks.

"We can use the long grass. We can use many of them and twist them so they're a bit thicker, and we can decorate them with small wild flowers."

All the little fairies are very excited as they all fly around finding tall grass and wild flowers. They return with the resources and we start to make the rings. Everyone make them differently, some looks more creative than others.

"How'd you come up with this? It's awesome," Selena exclaims once the fairies all clean up and head to lunch.

"Oh, um, I just did," I casually shrug, instead of saying 'I bumped into our enemy and he told me'.

Nearly every minute, Harry keeps circling my mind and how he left my question hanging. I'm certain that the ring must mean something, but I can't imagine what it is. There are too many possibilities, but I'll never know, because I'm not human.

I wonder if it is something personal that only he can tell, or is it just something all humans do. In that case, I might be able to ask someone else, but there is no one else to ask.

At this moment, I don't know what I should do. Should I keep asking him? Should I just forget about it? Sooner or later, I'll ask him again, or if not, I'm going to find out somehow.

But the bothering question is, will I even ever get to see him again?



Sorry this is a short chapter, *cries* but I swear y'all will LOVE the next chapter and you'll get right to the edge of your seat, it's gonna be sooooo unexpected, vote if you're excited!

I want to write a long paragraph but no one's gonna read so, thank you all so much, I LOVE reading your comments, they make me super happy.

The actual question is: do you think Katy will find out about all this? And how?

[please comment some questions on the last two chapters for a chance of your username + question being in the Q&A chapter, which is going to be posted in just a few chapters!!]

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