The Goddess Statue

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As soon as Y/N landed her mother ran over to her and squeezed her in a tight hug "Between you and me," her mother smiled "Those boys didn't stand a chance against my daughter!" she said the last sentence with pride and Y/N glowed with joy 

Her mother beckons Link to come over "Congratulations, Link! You must be so proud!" Link nods, stammering a quiet "Y-...yes Ma'am!" 

Her mother gives Y/N one last squeeze "Now, go! They're handing out the awards!" Y/N nods and runs, happiness flooding her system, Link says a polite 'Goodbye' and follows Y/N. Once Y/N is out of earshot, her mother wipes a tear and says  with a laugh"My daughter- a KNIGHT!"

Once Y/N reaches professor Owlan and Headmaster Gaepora, they are arguing about something. "Y/N was the one who flew the bird!" Headmaster Gaepora says "Yeah but- Link grabbed the statuette. That makes him the winner-" Professor Owlan argues "Doesn't that make them both the winner- Y/N was the rider!" Headmaster Gaepora counters. Professor Owlan nods "You know it was Link's loftwing..."

Headmaster Gaepora nods, still unhappy, and clears his throat "It has been decided that the winner of the ceremony is..." he pauses.

Y/N holds her breath.


There is a pause of confusion but slowly and surely everyone starts clapping and cheering for Link. Link smiles widely and looks at Y/N.

Y/N feels as if she had fallen into an ice cold lake. The breath was taken out of her and she was stunned, she was unable to think or feel anything. But then the dam broke and crippling disappointment washed over her. She clenched her fists to hold back the tears that threatened to spill and stared straight ahead, her breathing ragged.

Feeling Link's eyes upon her she turned to him and smiled "Congratulations Link!" she put in an effort to make her voice happy, Link was her friend after all- she should be happy for him! "You deserve to be a knight!" and indeed he did.

"Congratu-....lations!" she said again, but this time the tremor in her voice was clear. Y/N's watery eyes and quivering voice weren't fooling Link. He reached out a hand "Y/N-!" he began but she shook her head "I should go..." she looked at him once more "I truly am happy for you, Link..."

She walked out of the ceremony, Link made a move to follow her but was stopped by a series of people congratulating him. Y/N looked around, when no one was there- she started running. She opened the door to the academy and ran up the stairs until she reached her dorm.

She fell on her bed and buried her face in a pillow.

Then the tears fell. With each sob, her body shook in pain- and her pillow was wet with tears. She squeezed her eyes shut, trying to stop the ears. but they kept coming and coming and coming.

Why was she so sad about it anyways?! It was just a stupid competition! Groose had almost killed her, he had injured her loftwing and thrown eggs at her! She then rode Link's loftwing allowing him to get the statuette- you would think that she'd be the winner. But in her heart she knew that the rules stated Link should win. But still, even that didn't stop the tears.

There was a gentle knock on the door. "I'm okay!" Y/N said in a pathetic voice "Clearly not!" came the reply. The door opened and Zelda let herself in, she sat on the edge of Y/N's bed and looked at her in dismay.

"Everyone thinks that you should have won." Zelda said with a smile, she held Y/N's hand "Especially after how you recovered from Groose's nasty trick!" Y/N's voice is muffled by the pillow on her face "The rulebook doesn't think so."

Zelda rolls her eyes "Forget the rulebook! It didn't plan for an event like this. You should have won!" Zelda quickly adds "I mean Link did okay too and I'm happy for him but-..."

Y/N finally sits up, he hair messed up "Maybe I'm making too big a deal out of this-" "You are not!" Zelda said firmly "You were supposed to win but everyone was too stupid to realise that!" Y/N doesn't say anything.

After an awkward silence she says "Wow. My hair's a mess!" Zelda laughs and picks up a comb "Do you even know how to use a comb?" she runs it through Y/N's hair "At this moment, Groose's hair probably looks better!" she jokes. Y/N nudges her "Take that back!"

Zelda shrugs "Even Link's looks better and I swear- he doesn't even own a comb!" Y/N just rolls her eyes. "Speaking of Link," Zelda says, braiding Y/N's hair "Did you know that he went to my father to convince him to let you be the winner?"

Y/N was flooded with warmth "He did?" Zelda nods. "But he doesn't like to talk-" "You're close Y/N- it was probably worth the risk to him." Zelda interrupts her.

Y/N nods, absentmindedly "At least you and Link will get that 'Alone time'" Y/N teases, Zelda facepalms "Oh!" Zelda exclaims "I should go- I need to practice before the ritual!" Y/N nods.

Before Zelda leaves she turns and says to Y/N "You'll always be the winner to me, Y/N." with that, Zelda gently shuts the door behind her.

Y/N decides to stay in her room, she doesn't want to deal with people just yet. She decides to tidy her room up a bit, her mother always said it looked like a war-zone. Y/N wondered what her mother would say if she saw Link's room. Zelda's room was always tidy and orderly, it made Y/N feel embarrassed and guilty about her own room.

There was a knock on the door. Judging by it's clumsiness and volume- it was probably a boy.

"Come in!" Y/N called out, hoping that it wasn't Groose or a teacher. Link stood at the doorway, deciding wether or not to go inside. "I won't bite you, Link!" Y/N says, amused. Link steps inside and gives Y/N a look.

"I'm fine!" she says, Link glares at her "Well- I wasn't. But Zelda came in and now I am." Link looks at her closely "really?" he asks.

Y/N throws her hands up in exasperation "Jeez, Link! Are you a therapist or something?! I'm fine!" Link nods, expecting the outburst "You're fine," he says simply. Y/N facepalms "Take lessons from Zelda." she says.

Then Y/N turns serious "Really, Link. I am surprisingly proud of you, despite the stupid things you've done in the past. You deserve it." Link rolls his eyes, but smiles.

"Now- get lost! You don't want to miss your alone time with Zelda, do you?!" Link ignores this last jibe at him and leaves, calling out 

"You're the true winner."




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