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A sad feeling. Most of us have experienced our fair share of it. Loneliness makes you want to hold your head in you hands and scream all your rage to the gods. Loneliness lays like a stone in your heart, isolating you from things around you. 

Well, that's what Y/N felt now.


Because, Link was gone. She had woken up, smiling, thinking that Link was finally accepting her and that things were back to normal. She had stretched her arms and looked around the hollowed out tree for Link. She saw nothing there except her satchel, lying in the corner looking deflated and floppy. Like her.

She couldn't even be angry at Link at this point. It was her fault for trusting him anyway, she was stupid. "It's not your fault, Link. I'm the one who trusted you." she said to no one at all.  Y/N picked her body up, her legs feeling jittery from the wave of emotions that swept over her, tumbling over her head and moistening her eyes with the saltiness. 

If Link thought that this would stop her from coming with him, then he was an idiot. 'I mean he is,' Y/N realised, slinging her satchel over her shoulder. She walked out of the hollowed tree, shielding her eyes from the morning sun. The leaves were moist with dew and it fell on Y/N as the breeze blowed the leaves, the water's reflection glimmering, almost like glitter.

"Y/N! Kew! You woke up!" Machi cheered, raising his little hands up to hug her, he stopped dead, seeing her grim expression "Kwi! What happened Kew??" Machi asked, concerned. Y/N would have smiled at the Kikwi's cuteness had they not been in these circumstances.

"Where is Link?"

"He left for the temple! Kew! He told us not to wake you up and said you wanted to stay behind! Kwi!" Machi stopped and asked slowly "Diid he not tell you, Kwi??" Machi tilted his head. Y/N turned her head away, to hide her moist eyes "No, no he did not." quietly she added "..That heroic idiot.."

Y/N smiled wryly at Machi "Could you point me in the direction of the temple? I'll get going then-" Machi firmly interrupted her "I'm coming with you! Kew! The forest is filled with monsters and you don't have the Green one to protect you!"

Y/N glared "I'll be just fine without Link." With a stab, she realised that she had never been without Link... 

Machi quickly apologised "I'm sorry! Kwi! I didn't mean it like that! I just don't want you to get hurt kew! And it's a long journey!" Machi pleaded "Kew! Please let me come!" 

Y/N smothered her grin "...Fine!"

"KEW!" Machi cheered, jumping up and down "This way! The green one probably killed most of the monsters for us!" Y/N nodded, realising the Kikwi was right "Yeah... then let's go and get the idiot before he gets himself killed!" Machi cheered "KEW!"

The rest of the journey was a mess of running, jumping, screaming and kicking. Saying that it went badly was an understatement.

When the crows would swoop down over them, Machi would cling onto Y/N as she screamed and ran, holding Pipit's shield over her head. And then the blob things, Y/N would smack with her shield and Machi would take care of the octoroks by sneaking up behind them and scaring them.

Y/N smiled and high-fived the kiwki "We make a good team!" Machi squeaked in delight "We'll find the green one in no time, kwi!"

-Meanwhile with Link-

"Master Link"

"Hmm?" Link was getting annoyed with Fi's warnings and unnessesary information. He was tired, sweaty, out of breath and hurt. He was at the last room in the temple, he could feel it. That and he saw what looked like a boss lair's door.

"I suggest you try to talk to Y/N and discuss your differences. I calculate a 97% chance that you will benefit from Y/N's help in the near future, Master."

Link rolled his eyes, even Fi was guilt tripping him for leaving Y/N. Sure, he had left her before and sure Y/N would never forgive him- but it was the right call, right?

Link shook his head, he couldn't loose Y/N. Zelda was bad enough, but Y/N? She had always been there, he could never imagine a life without her. He'd met Zelda after the... funeral. But Y/N was there before that, even.

The thought of even loosing her made him want to scream and collapse. Especially after Zelda had left... No. He couldn't loose her, she was too important to him. He didn't know what he would do if he lost them both.


Link heard crying coming from behind the academy. He played there a lot, especially since his father hadn't come back. Instructor Owlan would usually take care of him since his mother was too sick.

The sobs broke his heart, but with a start, he recognised the voice. He peeked around the corner, he was right. It was Y/N.

Today was Y/N's 9th birthday. 

Link had looked for her everywhere. He was especially worried about her today. Given the circumstances.

Y/N turned around and hastily wiped her eyes, her two braids swayed with the wind. She had on a pretty baby, blue dress. Link thought it made her look very pretty, he averted his eyes realising he had stared at her too long.


"Why-... why are you... crying?" Link spoke slowly.

Y/N shook her head "It's father-" her voice cracked "He said he'd be back from the thunderhead before my birthday. But he's not... He's dead, isn't he?" Y/N's eyes watered once more. Deep down, Link knew she was right, but he couldn't bear to hear he cry again.

Link sat down next to her on the grass and pulled her into an embrace. Y/N's tears soaked his shoulder, but Link didn't mind and just kept on whispering,

"It's all going to be okay."

-Flashback end-

With a heavy sigh, Link pushed the kew into the door. He twisted it this way and that, trying to solve the puzzle. Soon enough, it clicked and.

Link held back his tears as he stepped inside.

Head in the clouds (Skyward Sword Link x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now