Back Again

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"Oh-! U-uh... right!" Link sheepishly smiled, cursing himself for being such an idiot. He winced a bit knowing how Y/N would react to the news "We need to see the old lady again. I think I might know where we have to go next, but I have to double check." Link looked at Y/N, awaiting her reaction.

"Why the old lady?! She's so mean to me!" Y/N folded her arms "That lady hates my guts, she loves you though! And that's saying something because I'm obviously hotter than you." she side eyed Link, knowing that she hit a nerve. Link gaped "Wha-... Says who?!" he crossed his arms over his chest, genuinely insulted "More people have crushed on me!"

Y/N pretended to be disgusted "Like who? Who'd like someone that spends the whole day sleeping?" she scoffed, she silenced the side of her mind that contradicted that statement. Link started counting on his fingers "Peatrice, Karane, the pumpkin guy's daughter and..." he paused a bit, smirking "," he said, satisfied.

"ME?" Y/N tried to ignore the fact that her voice went a few octaves higher and she tried to ignore the blush creeping up her cheeks "Who told you that?!" she demanded, trying to resist the urge to choke Link, who was laughing hysterically.

"Zelda!" He said between chuckles, Y/N denied it "LIAR! When I find her I swear-" "You can kill Zelda some other time, but who would like someone as fiery and er... energetic as you?" he struggled to find a word to describe Y/N's personality.

"Cawlin, Fledge, that one guy who had a crush on the pumpkin guy's daughter, and you, apparently." Y/N said with such confidence. Link's smile turned into a look of pure horror "... who told you that?" 



"When we were ten!"

Link and Y/N glared simutaneously "Zelda..." they hissed in unison, swearing their revenge. Y/N then walked over to the edge where the vast cerulean skies and clouds awaited her "Well, what are we waiting for? Let's get her." and Link grinned, getting his sail cloth ready. Y/N took hers out and was just about to jump when-

"And just where do you think you're going, young lady?" Y/N turned around, seeing her mother with her hands on her hips in her blue checkered apron with a frown on her face. Y/N cursed in her mind, wringing her wrists, mumbling "Uh, I was just-" Her mother interrupted her excuse "Just what? Just about to jump off of a cliff again?" she put emphasis on again.

"The last time you came back you were covered in cuts and leaves and what not! And you think I'll let you go down there again?" Her mother snapped "It's dangerous. And I love you, so how could I let you go?" her voice softened. 

Y/N relaxed a bit, ever since father left for the thunder cloud, things haven't been easy for her mother. She'd worried 24/7 about her daughter and now she has to do everything on her own. When Y/N's at the academy her mother is left to do all the chores, alone. Her mother never once complained. Y/N almost considered staying, but she had to find Zelda. She just had to.

She chose her words carefully "Mother, I have to go. Zelda is in danger and I have to protect her! She's always been there, I can't loose her too." Y/N dropped eye contact, it was even worse that Link was still there standing next to her. Y/N's mother shook her head, saying "But who will protect you?" 

"I will."

Link's eyes were fierce as he said that statement "I will protect her." he repeated, putting a hand on Y/N's shoulder. Y/N tensed up at his touch, it was gentle yet firm, as if he was scared she'd break but didn't want her to leave him. Y/N's mother parted her lips in surprise "Are you sure? What if you get hurt as-"

"I'd give my life."

He affirmed, interrupting her, looking at Y/N intently "Your daughter will come to harm only when every bone in my body breaks and when I can stand no more." he stated, boldly. Y/N glanced from Link's piercing gaze to her mother's teary eyes, wondering what was going through their minds.

At last, Y/N's mother spoke, with a soft smile "Stay safe, Y/N. I love you lots, and don't you ever forget it. Come back safe and sound." she gave her a sad smile. Her mother turned to Link, smiling warmly "I'm sure Y/N would do the same for you. You've always been a loyal and thoughtful boy, Link, but don't forget that you can ask for help. Come back safely." Link blushed, and smiled at the praise.

Y/N's mother gave Y/N one last smile, before turning around and leaving. Her silhouette drooped with concern, but she still walked with purpose. Y/N swallowed, trying to prevent the tears pricking at her eyes, she rubbed at them, determined not to cry in front of Link. 

"What was all that about?" She asked him, Link turned to her, confused "All what?" he questioned, tilting his head a bit, giving her his full attention. Y/N pressed "All of that about giving your life or something." she awaited his reaction. Link was unconcerned, he nodded, his gaze as sharp as ever "It's true," was all he said "Let's go." he added, hasty to change the subject. 

Luckily for Link, his embarrassment went unnoticed by Y/N. He dove off of the ledge, Y/N following suit. She smiled feeling the familiar sensation of the wind tickling her cheeks and whipping her clothes around, the sun was warm on her back and the skies were as blue and clear as Link's eyes. She looked at his eyes again, changing her mind.  Almost as blue and clear as Link's eyes.

She whistled for her loftwing, Pear, eager to soar through the skies with him once more. But Y/N couldn't help but feel strange after her previous interaction with Link. "I'd give my life." he had said, and Y/N got shivers down her spine just thinking about it and how piercing and grave Link's gaze had been.

Had he really just said that he'd die for her? No, she was probably just overthinking it, right?


Head in the clouds (Skyward Sword Link x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now