Friends in the least likely of places

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Y/N immediately threw the shield Pipit gave her at the bokoblin nearest to her. It jumped away and the shield hit the bokoblin behind it, knocking it out. Not skipping a beat, Y/N ran to the knocked out bokoblind, shouting "frick, frick, frick" the whole time. She raised her sword and thrust it into the monster, trying not to feel to sorry for it.

Then she threw the same sword at the bokoblin nearing the hedgehog, she missed, but the hilt hit its pressure point and it fell. 'I'm only still alive because of luck' Y/N thought, there was one last bokoblin left, but her sword and shield were out of reach. 

Y/N considered climbing back up the wall, but she knew the monster would catch her. She saw Link tiptoeing behind the bokoblin, he pressed a finger to his lips. Y/N quickly averted her eyes, so as not to raise the bokoblin's suspicion. Just as it reared back it's metal crusher, Link held his sword above his head and brought it down.

The bokoblin's life ended with a sickening crushing of its skull, Y/N shut her eyes. Link put his sword back in it's sheath, he fidgeted with his tunic "You did pretty...well." he said. Y/N didn't say anything to him, and she turned to the hedgehog.

Link unsheathed his sword and pointed it at the trembling creature.

"KEEEEEW!!!!" It screamed "PLEASE DON'T KILL ME!" It raised its little arms and ran off, deeper into the forest.

Y/N glared at Link "What the heck was that for?!" Link just shrugged. Y/N points an accusing finger at him "I get that you're all 'angsty' and 'heroic' now- but that's no reason to scare people!" she looks back at the spot where the hedgehog was a few seconds prior "I'm gonna follow it."

Link groans and runs after Y/N, who's already a few meters ahead. He prays to the gods for strength, knowing that they'd probably reject his prayer, and tries to catch up to his friend. Or- Ex-friend.

When Link finally catches up to her, he sees Y/N crouching next to a big blue mushroom. Behind the mushroom peeks out the scared creature. Y/N whispers soothing words to get it to come out.

"It's okay. The monsters are gone now. You're safe." she said, trying to encourage it. The hedgehog shook its head "Kew! What about that green one kwi?" It pointed straight t him. "The green monster won't hurt you! He can be a bit mean at times, but his heart is in the right place." Link felt himself smiling at these words.

The hedgehog looked at her "Are you sure, kew?" Y/N nods "I'm sure." she says firmly. She stands up, the hedgehog hides behind her legs. Link tries smiling at the hedgehog, but it just yelps and runs behind Y/N. Link looks at Y/N, she just rolls her eyes.

Y/N motions for Link to come closer. "KEW!" the creature shrieks "It's okay, I won't let him hurt you." Y/N reassures it. Y/N takes Link's hand in hers "What-?" he deadpans, feeling slightly embarrassed for some reason.

"This is Link."

She bends down, pulling Link down with her. "Link?" the hedgehog repeats, Y/N nods "Yes. He helped save you." the hedgehog looks at Link "He did?" Y/N holds Link's hand out to the creature "Yes, he did." 

The hedgehog gazes at Link with ebony, black eyes, deciding wether to trust him. After what seems like an eternity, the hedgehog places its tiny hand on his. "He must be very brave." it squeaked. Link blushed at the praise, rubbing his neck.

"Yes, he is." Y/N says, before realising "HEY! I saved you too!" she turn to look at Link, who's struggling to contain his grin. The hedgehog quickly apologises "Kew! I'm sorry! I didn't mean it like that!" it squeaks.

"My name is Machi! And I'm a Kikwi!" Machi introduces himself "Usually I live with Erla, Lopsa, Oolo and our leader, Bucha! But I can't find them... we got seperated after a monster attack...kew..." Machi flops over.

"We'll help." Link says firmly.

Y/N looks at Link with widened eyes, she tips her head asking 'why?' Link just shrugs, a stupid grin set on his lips. Y/N smiles back.

"REALLY?! KWI!!" Machi squeals "But, is there any way I can help you?" he asks. 

"We're looking for our friend. Her name is Zelda, she has blonde hair and a pink dress. She is human." Y/N describes her friend, feeling a twinge in her heart "Have you seen her?"

"KEW!! I have!" Machi sings joyfully, Y/N and Link look at each other happily. Machi nods "Yes! I saw her going to our leader, Bucha, before the monster sidge!" seeing the worries looks on their faces, Machi added "I'm sure she's safe, kew! Bucha is very strong! And good at hiding too! Kwi!"

"Could you tell us where uh... Bucha... is?" Y/N asks Machi. Machi nods "I'll show you! You've been so nice to me, Kew! Please let me come with you!" the Kikwi does a little dance and hugs Y/N's ankle. Y/N smiles down at it "Thank you, Machi."

She looks at Link, smugly "I told you this was a good idea!" Link sighs and rolls his eyes, knowing deep down that he deserved it. Link bent down to pet Machi, but Machi was still a bit wary of him and shied away. Link's cheeks burned when he heard Y/N's snort of laughter.

"Kwi! This place is pretty dangerous. I think if we find the other Kikwies, they'll be able to tell us where Bucha is." Machi sighs "Because, I don't know."

They hear a familiar tinkle and Fi materialises in front of them. "Master Link." comes her voice "KEW!" Machi hides behind Y/N once again.

"I have enabled the dowsing ability on your sword. You can now look for Zelda's aura. Just point your sword forward and when it glows purple, you are near." Fi says "Do you want me to explain again, Master Link?"

Link shakes his head, the stupid grin still on his face "Yeah... I get it!"

Y/N face palms "Please explain again, Fi."

"I thought so," Fi replies.

Head in the clouds (Skyward Sword Link x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now