C H A P T E R 1

77 8 2

"Olivia, wake up. Its your big day, your moving to college!" My Mum says as she arouses be from my deep slumber.

"10 more minutes." My voice was heavy from sleep. Why is the world so unfair to wake me up?

"No your getting up now, we have a long trip and I plan on leaving at 10 o'clock so hurry up." Her voice was stern, telling me not to mess with her just this once.

Then it dawns on me.

Today I am going to be moving to Boston to go to the prestigious Boston College, today I am going to become an independent young adult were I can focus on my studies 24/7. Don't get me wrong, I am nervous, I mean who wouldn't be! But I can live in a place where my parents aren't breathing down my neck, a place where I'm not pressured to always do my best.

I get out of my small bed and ruffle my raven black hair, I pull it into a messy bun before I jump in the shower where I have shave, sing, and shampoo. - my little morning 'S' routine.

I pull on one of those free campus jumpers you get when you enrol and a pair of light wash jeans, I straiten my hair quickly and apply some light make-up - Mascara and eyeliner (I don't want to seem over-excited.)

"You ready yet, Olivia?" My dad calls.

"Just about." I call back.

I pop a mint inside my mouth as I walk down the stairs into my spotless kitchen, my Mum and Dad are leaning over the stove together as they playfully put pancake batter on each others noses. Weird I know.

"We made your favourite breakfast, we thought it would be good for one of your last days at home."

I smile at them gratefully as they place a plate piled high with pancakes on the table ready for me. I take a seat next to my little sister Zoe, I am going to miss her so much! We have become really close over the past few years and I don't think I am going to be able to wake up each morning without seeing her bright face at the breakfast bar.

"I am gonna miss you Zo.." I admit as I ruffle her platinum blonde hair.

"I'm going to miss you too!" She sobs.

"Stop it you pair of wusses and finish your breakfast!" Dad laughs as he playfully whacks us over the head.

I don't disobey.

Dad's pancakes are famous in our neighbourhood. He used to have a pancake stall at the local markets on a Sunday but he had to stop when it started to interfere with church. My parents are highly religious, whenever we pass a teen-mom or a gay couple in the street they turn up their noses. I tried to tell them they were being rude but I ended getting a 30 minute lecture about sex before marriage. Fun right?

"You ready?" my Mum asks, "we are leaving in ten minutes."


I quickly wash up my syrup covered plate before I grab my maroon coloured vans and while I slip them on silently, everything starts to feel real.

I am moving to college.

* * * *

"Is this it?" My mum sneers as she glances around the small room. Her eyes crinkle when she sees the messy, bed on the other side of the room. Both of us are perfectionists, a hair is rarely out of place. This counts for our house, every pillow is placed perfectly, even the fruit in the fruit bowls are piled in extreme detail.

Maybe living with a messier boarder could be, interesting?

"Have you met her yet?" Mum asks.

"Nope," I sigh.

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