part 1

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Y/n's pov~~
I woke up with my alarm ringing. I got up and went to bathroom to get ready. After getting ready i went downstairs to see everyone laughing but when they saw me they put on their cold faces.

Me: good morning everyone.

Everyone: good morning*cold tone *.

Strange, they have been behaving like this since a long time.

Mom: okay everyone come and have breakfast.

We all nodded and went to the dinning table mom started to serve everyone their food except me. I kinda hurted me and i lost my appetite after this. I got up from the table and went outside to leave for school.

I went to the garage and was searching for my car keys but it's not here. I asked the guard

Me: where are my car keys ?

Guard: actually miss sir has told not to give you car keys.

Again! Again this is happening to me. I nodded and bowed to them and went outside to take the bus for school. I was waiting at bus stand when the bus came I went inside to see my boyfriend sitting their. I had a smile on my face and i went towards him and sat beside him.

Me: good morning eunwoo.

Eunwoo: good morning.

He said with a small smile. The bus started and soon we reached school. We were going to our class when we heard car horns. We turned back and saw my brothers and sister's cars. They came out and eunwoo went to them. Actually eunwoo and my brothers are friends from childhood. Oppas and unnies looked at me and were staring at me in ........................... disgust ? Huh ? There eyes were showing full hatred for me. I sighed and went to my class where i met my best friend Hwang hyunjin. I went upto him and sat beside him.

Hyunjin: good morning y/n.

Me: good morning hyun. 

Me and hyunjin are best friends from elementary school.

Hyunjin: y/n in lunch time i have to tell you something so don't be late.

I nodded. Soon the teacher came and started teaching.

Timeskip to cafeteria.
Y/n's pov~~
Finally it's lunch time. I wonder what hyunjin wants to tell me. I went to the cafeteria and went upto his table where his other friends are also there. There group name is called stray kids.
Me: hey guys.

Stray kids: hey y/naah / noona.

Me: what happened what were you guys discussing ?

As soon as I said that they were nervous.

Me: hyunjin what you wanted to tell me ?

Hyunjin: actually y/n don't be mad at me and listen to me calmly okay ?

I nodded. I don't know why but it's kinda scaring me.

Hyunjin: actually i am going to abroad for two years.
What ? What is he saying ?

Me: ayy it's not time for jokes you know.

Hyunjin: y/n i am not joking.

This time he said looking into my eyes. I froze on my place and without my notice my tears started to fall.

Me: wh-when are yo-you go-going ?

Hyunjin: today at night.

I took my bag and ran from there to the rooftop.

Hyunjin's pov~~
I knew she would react like this. I immediately went behind her. I know where she went. As soon as I reached at the rooftop i saw her crying so much. I went to her and put my hand on her shoulder. She yanked my hand.

Me: i am sorry y/n.

Y/n: what sorry ? Huh ? Why you always do this to me ? You always tell me after deciding.

Me: i am sorry i promise i will be back soon.

Then she hugged me and i hugged her back. We both were crying so much. After crying for some minutes we broke the hug and she looked at me.

Y/n: why are you going ?

Me: actually my parents wants me to go there. I said no to them that i don't want to leave you and rest of the stray kids but i think they are also right.

Y/n: okay i give you permission to go. But you have to come back soon. Okay ?

Me: okay ma'am.

Then the school bell rang and we went inside and attended the rest of the classes.

Timeskip to evening.
Y/n's pov~~
After the last class i went home by bus. As i entered i saw some new cars. I think grandma and grandpa are here. I went inside to see everyone sitting their having cold faces. I went to them.

Me: good afternoon grandma and grandpa.

I said bowing to them. They ignored me and it hurted me a lot. I was walking to my room when someone grabbed my wrist. I looked at the person and it was................

Who is that person ??

Hey everyone another book out. I know this chapter is not so good but maybe next chapters are gonna be good.

Stay tuned for next part ❤️❤️

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