part 12

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Since you all wanted another part so here it is.
Enjoy 😊😊

Timeskip to morning
Y/n's pov~~
I woke up with sunlight on my face. I turned around and felt cold. I opened my eyes to see no one beside me i guess he is showering as i heard water running in the bathroom. I sat down and started to scroll my phone. I was scrolling my phone when the bathroom door opened revealing my boyfriend with a towel wrapped around his waist showing his perfect abs making me drool over it.
??: Like what you see babe? *Smirk*
Me: yah Hwang Hyunjin go and wear your clothes.
I said throwing a pillow to him. He dodged it and came to me, pinned me to bed and hover over me.
Me: yah go and wear your clothes.
Hyunjin: why ? You don't like it ?
My face was red by now. He slowly started to lean in my neck and leave few wet kisses making me moan. I pushed him and ran to the bathroom. He giggled at me.
Well yes my boyfriend is hyunjin , my elementary school Best friend. I met him in the school here in Canada. I never knew i will catch feelings for my best friend. He knows what happened with me in the past and he was so guilty that he left me when I needed him the most. His small affection, care made me fall for him and now here we are with eachother.

After i took a shower i came out and went downstairs to see him making breakfast. I went to him and back hugged him putting my head on his back.
Hyunjin: what happened babe ?
Me: nothing let's just stay like this for sometime. Please.
He hummed and started to make breakfast. After he was done i helped him taking the dishes on the table. He sat down on his seat. I was about to sit down when he grabbed my wrist and made me sit on his lap. I kept my head on his chest and he fed me my food.
Hyunjin: what happened to my baby ?
Me: nothing i am just feeling to shower too much love on you today.
He giggled and we completed our food. After we finished our food i went to our shared bedroom and started to pack my bag as i am leaving in the afternoon and right now it's 8 in the morning.
Finally after two hours i was done and i went downstairs to see hyunjin taking out some album from the book shelf. I went to him and sat beside him.
Me: why are you taking out these ?
Hyunjin: i am adding our yesterday's photographs in both of the albums.
Me: why two of the same type ?
Hyunjin: so that one you can take it with you till i am not with you.
I just put my head on his shoulder and let him do whatever he is doing. After he was done he handed me a album and kept one with him.

(Imagine there are two and hearts are having their photo

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(Imagine there are two and hearts are having their photo. )

I took mine and kept it in my bag which i brought in the living room. After that me and hyunjin spended some time together.

Timeskip to airport
Here i am at the airport leaving to Korea. I turned back and saw hyunjin having tears in his eyes. I hugged him and he hugged me tightly.
Me: yah if you will cry like this how will I go then ?
Hyunjin: sorry. I promise i won't cry.
I broke the hug and kissed him.
Me: don't cry and moreover you are coming to Korea in few days then we will be together forever, with eachother. Hmm ?
He nodded and hugged me again. I too hugged him and rubbed his back to calm him down.
Now it was time for me to go and i bid him bye and went to check in. After i was done i entered my flight and sat on my seat. Soon th flight took off and i sighed. Goodbye Canada.

Timeskip to Korea
Y/n's pov~~
Finally!! I landed in Korea. I took my luggage and went out of the airport and grabbed a taxi. I didn't told anyone that i am coming. It's a surprise for them and moreover its eomma and appa's anniversary tomorrow so why not.
After 30 minute i reached the house and payed the taxi driver and went in. Appa was there in the living room reading his newspaper. I quietly went behind him and wrapped my arms around him.
Me: guess who ?
Dad: y/n ?
Me: haww you guessed it right.
Dad: aigoo my princess is back.
He stood up and hugged me tightly i too hugged him back with the same force.
Me: i Missed you dad.
Dad: i missed you too princess.
After breaking the hug i asked appa about eomma and he said that she is in kitchen so i went there.

I saw her making food

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I saw her making food. I asked the maid unnie who was helping her to be quite. I tip toed to her and
Me: boo
She flinched and turned around. She was shocked to see me and was having tears in her eyes. She immediately hugged me and i did too.
Mom: aigoo my baby. I missed you so much.
Me: me to eomma i also Missed you so much.
Then we both went outside and i hugged eomma and appa both together this time.
Me: i missed you both so much.
Eomma and appa: we too princess/baby.
Me: where is oppa ?
Dad: he must be sleeping. He came a little late last night.
Me: let me go and wake him up.
Mom: hmm go.
I ran to oppa's room ignoring mom dad telling me to go slowly. I went to his room and saw him sleeping peacefully.

He changed his room a lot

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He changed his room a lot. He even added his and mine childhood picture which i gave him. I went to him and layed on top of him.
Me: oppa wake up.
Oppa: baby princess let me sleep. *sleepy tone*.
After that he got up so fast making me fell down.
Me: ahh oppa how dare you throw me like this ?
Oppa: baby princess is that you ?
Me: yes it's me. Now help me up.
Oppa: oh sorry.
Then he helped me getting up and immediately hugged me tightly. He was crying i can tell.
Me: oppa will you stop crying ?
Oppa: how can I ? When i saw you after a long time.
Me: okay then i will also cry.
Oppa: no you are already ugly you will look more.
Me: yah.
Oppa: okay okay i am sorry. But when did you come ?
Me: right now.
Oppa: atleast you should have told us ?
Me: then it wasn't a surprise. I wanted to surprise you.
Oppa: okay okay your surprise was successful. Now go down i will just take a shower and come.
I nodded and kissed his cheeks and went downstairs.

Timeskip to night.
Y/n's pov~~
So now we four are sitting in the living room as mom is telling me some of oppa's secret which are making me laugh and making oppa sulk.
Dad: oh i forgot to tell you guys that tomorrow we are going to throw a party.
Me: party ? Suddenly ?
Dad: tomorrow is our anniversary and i have to announce something so that's why.
Me: okay.
Dad: and dress nicely all of you.
Me: okay then me and eomma are going shopping tomorrow.
Mom: yess.
Oppa: shop for me too.
I gave him a thumbs up. After that we all went and slept.

Stay tuned for next part ❤️❤️

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