part 18

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Timeskip to few days later.
Y/n's pov~~
It's been a week and guess what! Eomma and appa are coming tomorrow. I am so happy. It's my birthday after a week. I went to the living room where oppa and Jinssi were playing chess and rest of them were playing in their phones. I went to them and sat beside him.
Oppa: why is my baby princess is happy today ?
Me: oppa mom and dad are finally coming back tomorrow. I am so happy.
Oppa: i know. I am also very happy. Wanna have something ?!
Me: Ani.
He nodded and started to play. Suddenly oppas and Jin ssi's phone rang. They picked it up and worry was written on their faces.
Me: oppa what happened ?
Rose: yes jin oppa what happened ?
Jin and oppa: mom and dad's plane crashed.
Me: WHAT?? oppa what are you saying ?
Oppa: y/n our private jet in which mom, dad and their parents were coming back crashed due to some technical problem.
No that's not possible. No.I stumbled and fell down. Oppa came to pick me.
Me: oppa m-mom and dad w-wi-will be alright na ?
Oppa: we can't say anything right now. They have been taken to the hospital. Let's go.
I nodded and oppa helped me getting up and we all went to the hospital.

At the hospital.
Jinyoung's pov~~
We hurriedly went in and i asked at the reception
Me: excuse me. Where is Mr and Mrs park and Mr and Mrs Lee ?
Receptionist: sir they have been taken to the operation theatre. OT 23 and OT 22.
Me: thank you.
We all hurriedly went to the operation theatre and still the operation was going on.

After 4hours the doctors came out and we all went to them.
Me: doctor how's our parents ?
Doctor: who are the family of Mr and Mrs Lee ?
Bangpink: it's us.
Doctor: don't worry about them they both are out of danger.
Y/n: and doctor how about Mr and Mrs park ?
Doctor: Mr park is alright but Mrs park....
Me: what about our mom ? What happened to her ?
Doctor: Mrs park was severely injured though she is our of danger but we don't know when she will wake up. As for now we are shifting all of them in the same ward. Room no. 1206. You can go there.
We thanked him and i comforted y/n.
Y/n: oppa mom will be alright na ?
Me: yes baby she will be she is our mom.
She nodded and after that we all went to the given room.

Y/n's pov ~~

We went to the room and seeing mom and dad laying there i couldn't control myself and my tears started to fall

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We went to the room and seeing mom and dad laying there i couldn't control myself and my tears started to fall. I went to them and sat on the chair between their beds.

Me: mom dad please wake up. Me and oppa need you. Please. I am waiting. I have to tell you both something very important.
I kept my head on mom's hands. Suddenly oppas phone rang. He picked it up and went outside to take it. He came back and some sort of expression was written on his face.
Me: what happened oppa ?
Oppa: it was call from office. There is some emergency so i have to go.
Me: it's okay oppa you go and handle there and I will handle here.
Oppa: but leaving you alone ?
Me: don't worry i will call hyunjin here.
Oppa: okay i will call him. Call me if they both wake up.
I nodded and he went outside. I looked at Mr and Mrs Lee and they were also same, blackpink were crying. I tried to wipe my tears but i couldn't and let my tears fall.
??: P-princess ?
I looked at dad and saw him awake. I went and hugged him but making sure he doesn't get hurt.
Me: dad. You woke up.
Dad: wh-what hap-happened to me ?
Me: dad your jet got crashed.
Dad: how's Hyo Joo ?
Me: mom is still unconscious. She will wake up in sometime. Do you need anything ?
Dad: w-water.
I nodded and helped him drinking water. After helping him drinking water i made him lay down carefully and sat beside him.
Dad: did you cried ?
I nodded.
Dad: why ?
Me: you know how much scared i was ? I thought i-i-i will-
I couldn't control myself and i hugged him and cried.
Dad: aigoo my princess. I won't leave you a this soon.
Me: don't talk about this now.
Dad: okay eomma.
After that the doctor came and checked dad and Mr and Mrs Lee as they were also awake.
Me: doctor what about eomma ?
Doctor: still there is no movement. We will wait for few more days then we'll see.
Me: okay. Thank you doctor.
The doctor left and i went to sit beside then both.

Bangpink's pov~~
We saw how y/n was taking care of Mr park. We saw mom and dad awake. We went and sat beside them.
Jin: how are you both feeling ?
Mom: be-better.
Taehyung: do you both need anything ?
They nodded in negative. After that the doctor came and checked them both.
Doctor: they both are fine now. You can take them home after few days.
Us: thank you doctor.
He nodded and left from there. We sat down beside them again. They both looked at the right and saw y/n hugging Mr park. Mom and dad must be feeling sad.
Mom: i wish she was with us. *Whispering*
Dad: i know how much i am missing my princess.
Jisoo: don't worry mom dad she will be with us very soon. We promise.
Mom: but how ? She hates us all.
Eunwoo: don't worry aunt. She will surely forgive us all.
Dad: hope that day come soon.
Us: very soon dad.
After that we started to talk about somethings.

Y/n's pov~~
I was sitting beside appa and reading a book for him.
Dad: princess it's enough for today.
Me: arrasso dad. Now you lay down and have the medicines.
He nodded and i passed him his medicines.
Dad: Hyo Joo will be okay. Right ?
Me: yes dad. She will be. She can't leave her hubby and children like this. She will alright.
Dad: where is jinyoung ?
Me: he has gone to office. Shit.
Dad: what happened ?
Me: i forgot to call him. He told me to call if one of you get conscious. I'll be right back.
I went outside to call oppa and told him not to get worried and take his time to come.

Stay tuned for next part ❤️❤️

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