part 7

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Y/n's pov~~
I was still thinking who came to meet me. Do i know them ? My thoughts were interupted by dad
Dad: what are you thinking princess ?
Me: nothing dad just thinking about who came to meet me.
Dad: ayy stop thinking and i am sure when you will meet them you will love them and same for them.
Me: okay dad.
After 40 minutes we reached home. Dad helped me get out of the car. Aish this leg is paining so much. When we entered inside i saw and two old couples. Dad went to them and mom came to me
Me: mom who are they ?
Mom: come in and you will know it yourself.
Then i went inside taking small steps and stand there. Mom told me to sit down but i insisted to stand. After they were done with their small greeting session their gaze fell upon me.
??: Who is this girl ?
I bowed to the two couples and they nodded their heads
Dad: umm mom she is y/n our daughter.
I can see they are shocked, maybe they didn't knew about this.
??: What your daughter ? How ? When ?
Mom: umm mom we adopted her. She was abandoned by her family so we adopted her.
??: Oh that's bad.
Then the two old ladies came to me and hugged me one by one.
??: Hello y/n i am your dad's mother. You can call me halmeoni
??: I am your mom's mother that means your oe halmeoni. (Is this correct?)
??: I am your harabeoji
??: I am your oe harabeoji.
I am having tears in my eyes i got so many family members. I hugged both the grandmothers and they hugged me back.
Oe halmeoni: shh it's okay y/naah.
Then we both sat and did some chit chats when i remembered
Me: mom where is oppa ?
Mom: ahh baby he went to his friends house his friend is going to abroad so they are having a last reunion.
When she said that i remembered hyunjin. I was not able to bid bye to hyunjin atleast oppa can.

Author's pov ~~
They all chatted for some more time when
Mrs park: okay seo joon we should go now, it's already late.
Y/n: no grandma stay for some more time. Please.
Mrs Han: sorry dear but we four are going to Busan tomorrow.
Seo joon: Busan? Suddenly ?
Mrs park: yes two days we four made a plan Of spending some time as a trip.
Hyo Joo: okay so that means it's an old people trip.
Mrs Han: yah who are you saying old?
Y/n: to you four oe halmeoni.
Mrs park: we will see you all after we return. Right now we are getting late so bye all of you.
Then they hugged each other once again and went. Now it's only three people in the house.

Y/n's pov~~
Now it was only me, mom and dad. We three were sitting in sofa waiting for oppa as he said he is coming in 30 minutes.
Mom: where did you went at this hour ?
I looked at dad and gestured him to say something and
Dad: we went to spend some dad daughter time.
Woah! What a lie he said.
Mom: woww dad daughter time without telling me.
Dad: why are you jealous ?
Mom: why would I be jealous ? Even we both can have mother and daughter time without you. Okay ?
Dad: okay my queen.
We all laughed. When dad said
Dad: ahh y/n we are thinking of changing your school. Is it okay ?
Well i think it's okay for me to change school as they will be there in that school and i don't want to face them.
Me: ne appa. It's okay.
Dad: okay then we are shifting you to our school.
Me: woah you own a school ?
Mom: yes baby. We own many things. Now you are our family so it's yours also too.
I nodded. Then we started to have some normal chats when we heard a car horn. Then oppa came in and he sat beside him.
He kept his head on mom's shoulder.
Mom: what happened ? Tired ?
Jinyoung oppa: ne eomma.
Me: oppa you know who came today ?
Jinyoung oppa: who ?
Me: your grandparents.
After that i got a smack from appa.
Jinyoung oppa: what halmeoni and harabeoji came ?
Dad: why did you said yours ?
He said completely ignoring what oppa said.
Me: sorry it just slipped out of my mouth. Sorry.
I said while doing a cute aegyo.
Dad: fine but don't repeat it again.
I nodded.
Jinyoung oppa: yah why are you all ignoring me. I said did halmeoni and harabeoji came ?
Me: yes and not only them oe halmeoni and harabeoji came too.
Jinyoung oppa: what they too came ? Why they had to come when i was away ?
I giggled at him. He can be a child sometimes.
Mom: okay okay stop whining now and come let's have dinner. I made yummy dishes for you all come.
Then we went to the dinning room and started to eat our food. After eating dinner i went to my room to rest for sometime. I was sitting on the bed thinking about hyunjin. I don't know why i am thinking way too much about him. He is just mah friend. But as a friend i couldn't even say bye to him. I was in my thoughts when my room's door opened and it was jinyoung oppa with a tray in his hands. He came in and kept the tray on the nightstand. After that he handed me the medicine and water. I made a disgusting face and made a puppy face to convince him but he only glared at me.
Me: oppa please no. It tastes disgusting.
Jinyoung oppa: eat it if you want to get fit.
Me: no i wont. Please.
Oppa: you won't listen like this na. Okay then i am taking all your icecream tubs, chocolates and plushies which i brought for you. But now you don't want -
I quickly took the medicines from his hands and gulped it down with water. He chuckled and sat down beside me.
Oppa: now tell me what were you thinking ?
Me: nothing much just thinking about my best friend.
Oppa: what happened to him ?
Me: nothing happened to him oppa he just went to abroad for two years.
Oppa: so what you must have bid him goodbye right ?
Me: Ani. The day he went to abroad was the day my so called family did that to me.
I started to having tears in my eyes. Oppa came and hugged me. I Started to cry harder remembering all the pain they gave me. Oppa started to say some comforting words to me. After i calmed down me and oppa cuddled and sleep and tomorrow i have to go to new school.

Stay tuned for next part ❤️❤️

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