part 14

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Y/n's pov~~
While i was washing my hands i ex sisters standing there. I was going when someone grabbed my wrist. I looked up and saw rose.
Me: what ?
Rose: y/nahh we are sorry.
What the hell!
Me: it's y/n for you. Either y/n or miss park. And sorry for what ?
Jisoo: for treating you like that. We all are suffering now. Please forgive us. Please.
Me: sorry i have to go.
I left from there and went to the hall. I was stopped by my ex brothers and ex boyfriend.
Jin: y/nahh listen to me.
Me: it's y/n for you all or miss park. I explained the same thing to your sisters as well.
Namjoon: they are your sisters as well.
Me: sorry but i don't have any sisters. I only have a-
??: Baby princess.
I turned around and saw oppa standing there with a worried expression in his face.
Me: what happened oppa ?
Oppa: where were you ? Atleast you should have told us.
Me: mianhe. I will not do like this again.
Then he hugged me tightly as if i will i vanish in a sec. After he was done and i looked at bangpink they are having jealous expression. Well they deserve it. We went to the stage as eomma and appa were calling us both.
Appa: hello everyone. Thank you so much for coming here in this night to celebrate our 35th anniversary. We are glad we are able to celebrate our anniversary with you all. Please enjoy yourselves.
Then we cutted the cake and i fed the pieces to them both and congratulated them. After some time of enjoying dad and mom went on stage with oppa.
Dad: may i have your attention everyone. So i want to announce something else today. We are opening our new branch of park corporation in Korea which will be under my son ,park jinyoung.
We all clapped for him and after that we enjoyed some more time and came back home. I went to change and was thinking about bangpink. Why they suddenly changed ? Why they are behaving so loving?
Uggh my head is paining. I went and took some medicines and slept.

Timeskip to morning
Y/n's pov~~
I woke up by my phone ringing. I picked it up without seeing and it was hyunjin. We talked for a bit and then i went to get ready. My head is still paining a lot. I went downstairs and saw eomma appa sitting there. I went to eomma and kept my head on her shoulder.
Eomma: what happened baby ?
Me: eomma my head is paining a lot since last night.
Appa: princess you should have told us. We could have called the doctor.
Me: no appa no doctor.
Appa: but why ?
Me: because he will give me medicines then and i don't like it. Then baby princess oppa will run after me to eat this which i won't. So why to call him.
Appa: but still atleast he will tell what happened to you.
Me: but-
Guard: master doctor Han is here.
Me: who called him here ?
??: Me.
I Turned around and saw oppa standing there with a mischievous grin.
Me: why oppa ?
Oppa: you were having a headache right ? So he will check you. Let him in.
He nodded and went out to escort him Here. Soon he came and started to check me. After checking out he took out an injection? No not injection.
Me: is it important ?
Doctor: yes miss it's important.
Me: okay then put it.
I hugged oppa tightly while he was injecting in me. I hissed in pain and oppa just stroked my hair. After he was done he handed some medicines to dad and left from there.
Oppa: how are you feeling now ?
Me: it will take time. Right now it's getting more.
Guard: sir? The Lee's are here.
What ? Lee's ?
Appa: let them in.
He nodded and went outside to escort them here. When they came in my headache is just increasing only. Eunwoo is also here ?

Author's pov ~~
Mr park: welcome my friend.
He went and hugged Mr lee.
Mr.park: how are you ?
Mr lee: i am good. How about you ?
Mr park: i am good too. Come in all of you.
Then they went in and settle down on the sofa.
Mrs Lee: is someone not well ? We saw doctor Han going out.
Mrs park: oh it was my baby. She is not feeling well.
Jin: what happened y/nahh ? Are you okay ?
Y/n: sorry i don't like when someone other than my family calls me y/nahh. And i am okay.
When she said that jin who was already feeling bad felt more. 'this is going to be hard' thought bangpink.
Y/n: oppa can we talk ?
Bts and jinyoung: sure.
Everyone turned to bts with confusion. They just looked at each other in a little awkward.
Jhope: sorry we thought it's one of our sisters. Their voices are quite similar.
He lied to them.
Mr park: oh it's okay.
Jinyoung: come baby princess.
Then both the siblings went to talk fighting a little leaving jealous bangpink there.

Y/n's pov~~
Me and oppa went to my room to talk. After going to my room i locked the door and turned to oppa.
Me: oppa why are they here ?
Oppa: what do you mean ?
Me: oppa i mean why are they staying here ?
Oppa: oh actually our parents and their parents are going to New Zealand for some work. So their children will be staying here.
Me: why oppa they must be having a big house as well ?
Oppa: baby calm down. It was dad who told them to stay Here as they will be bored there. Since you all have no school and anything now so we can bond a little.
Me: why oppa why we have to bond with them ? Who are they to us ?
I was in tears by now.
Oppa: y/n but what's the problem with them staying here ? And why are you crying?
Me: because...they were the ones because of whom i was in hospital for two times.
I dropped on my knees and cried hard.
Oppa: what are you saying baby princess ?
Me: oppa they were my that so called family. The ones who beated me to death. Did you see another boy with them ?
He nodded.
Me: he was my ex boyfriend. He was also with them. Seeing them making me remind me of all the flashbacks making me die from inside.
Oppa: that means two years back....on the was them ?
Me: yes it was them. It was them. Please oppa please save me.
Oppa: y/n they won't do anything till i am with you. Hmmm. Let's go and tell this to mom and dad.
He was about to go but i stopped him.
Me: no oppa don't tell them anything.
Oppa: but why ?
Me: oppa i don't want to ruin their friendship they four have because of me. I don't want dad to hate his own friend. Please.
Oppa: okay. Come now have your medicines.
Me: no it's disgusting.
Oppa: you need to.
I didn't said anything but ran out to eomma and appa with oppa running behind me.

Will y/n eat the medicine? 🤣🤣

Stay tuned for next part ❤️❤️.

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