Roses. They're remarkable when you think about it. All across the world, people present them to the ones they most adore. Not as a mere gift, but as a tangible symbol of sincerest love.
A cynic might call such a universal gift 'uninspired'. After all, it's common knowledge that the gesture is replicated millions of times across the world, every year.
Yet the vast majority of people who receive these humble offerings will feel truly special in doing so. To hold one between your fingers is to feel the very affection it represents. Their innate ability to express what is so often inexpressible transcends the borders of spoken language, politics, wealth and even time.
Valentines' day
Humid steam rose from the lush foliage as the morning sun beat down from a cloudless sky. It had rained over night: a sudden downpour, most unexpected in its savage ferocity. The deluge had been so heavy that the rain had flattened some of the precious blooms growing in Baguio
It has been a week since my Mother and my step father left for their honeymoon as newlyweds. It all seemed an age ago now. Like sepia tinted photographs of another lifetime.
If I tried very hard, I could dredge up the faces and the places, but most of the time they stayed just out of reach; ghosts haunting the periphery of my mind with their blurred features and muffled laughter.
Occasionally a song playing on the radio or a name mentioned at random would trigger a flood of images and feelings, It was one dramatic morning on Valentines day.
I settled on a pair of wide-legged, dove grey wool trousers and a lavender cashmere cowl neck sweater. I did make one small concession and swapped my big, heavy boots for a sexier pair with pointed-toes and two-inch heels.
I left my apartment with that smile permanently burned into my mind once again. This day should bring out the best in me. The other day, I have talked to Iñigo, My bestfriend’s boyfriend, so I could shake his head and finally make him move to do something.
From what I’ve heard from Nina, They have this little lover’s quarrel and Nina crying over night bugs me to sleep so I decided to get his number from Patrick and eventually talk to him about it
That took the wind out of his sails and he used the arrival of the tea to get his thoughts in order.
"What the hell does that mean?" he finally asked without head. "I'm dense, so use small words."
I smiled and shook my head. "You're not dense. You're a man. While the two are similar, there are different."
Iñigo seemed to finally relax as he gave me a small smile. "Here we go."
"Look, people fight. So you and Nina had an argument. Whoop-ti-do. That happens to millions of couples every hour of every day. The big deal is that you're not talking about it anymore. You're dodging the most important person in your life, and that has to stop. It's hurting her."
"I'm not trying to hurt her," he defended himself. "I'm giving us both space to cool off."

When Bad Girls Fall In Love
General Fiction"Every tough facade is just a cover up for a vulnerable point that one doesn't want to be painfully exposed" Underneath that tough girl bravado was just a girl who needed someone to believe in her. She had been immensely busy trying to transform her...