It was fucking ridiculous!! I was fucking ridiculous and probably the most.. how should I say this, tactless!Me and my big mouth .. is just so unpredictable
Note to self: Careful to whom you're going to share your thoughts with
I, Margareth Toledo, can't keep my opinion to herself. Yes, we already established that I'm highly opinionated but this! THIS! Is out of hand.. I'm so dead when my senior or possibly the big boss would hear about this—This circumstances that I came to the point of calling the earth to just swallow me up alive
We just stood there, staring at each other, too overwhelmed to speak. Maybe I was too overwhelmed to speak
He broke the silence by speaking first but he still had his penetrating eyes on me "Speechless?" A small curve formed on his lips
I just nodded in silent agreement.
"Be still when you have nothing to say; when genuine passion moves you, say what you've got to say, and say it hot.", He said as his piercing gaze fixed on me.
I smiled at him," DH Lawrence. Nice taste in literature. I was supposed to be named after him when my mother thought I was a boy"
He tilted his head to one side and surveyed me intently for some time. What was going on behind those beautiful onyx eyes, I wondered?.
The man before me seemed to snap back to reality and asked "If it's not close to DH Lawrence, what might be your name then?"
"It's Margareth with letter H tugging along, Mr. Villanueva"
"Margareth .. I suppose your Mom is a fan of the Shakespearean play Much Ado About Nothing "
"Yes, She got it from there actually"
He was about to say something else when a man came over to him. He was shorter than Mr. Villanueva, and was starting to go bald, which didn't prevent him from trying to camouflage it.
The man whispered in Mr. Villanueva's ear and he let out an ear-splitting bray when he finished. In fact he was about to open his lips once again when the organizer of the said exhibit already called him to get up that small platform to deliver an opening speech
"I'll be back" He mouthed before taking the mic from and calling the attention of everyone else in the exhibit
I felt the harsh, sensual sensations tighten in my stomach, making me squirm uncomfortably the moment I saw a small smile creping on his face.
I was also disconcerted at the way he suddenly quieted his chuckles, his beyond beautiful obsidian eyes narrowing with this look of telling interest. Of what, I couldn't figure, but his eyes then began to sparkle as if he found humor in just plainly everything around him
Just they way he walked towards the tiny red-carpeted flat form that is slightly raised was undeniably graceful which just reminds me of those runway male models I've seen so far
A chiseled face that displayed wonderfully handsome features startled me tho. For a man, he was impossibly gorgeous. His slight stubble enhanced his manliness, but therein laid the visage of boyish charm with a hidden taste of iniquity.

When Bad Girls Fall In Love
General Fiction"Every tough facade is just a cover up for a vulnerable point that one doesn't want to be painfully exposed" Underneath that tough girl bravado was just a girl who needed someone to believe in her. She had been immensely busy trying to transform her...