No matter how hard you try to get over someone, you will still have some sort of feeling for them. You start remembering the ways things used to be, and how they are now, and everything was how it used be, erasing all the bad things that happened.
Time is supposed to make things better, but in love it doesn't. Although we have been apart for a while, and now have grown on our childish little way in our life, I still can't help wondering how my life could’ve been if you’re still here. Kier
“Shall I walk you?”
“It's alright. I can manage.”
“Don't worry; Meg. My cousin right here is protective of all the girls in the gang. You can trust him” Uttered by Kath as she patted her cousin’s back
“Ok,” I meekly said and allowed Kath’s cousin to escort me out of the high school café.
“Do you stay alone?” He asked as we stood at the other end of the street, waiting for the lights to change.
“No, I stay with my family” I said
The lights changed and he caught my hand, making sure that I kept up to his pace. Once we crossed the street, he let go of my hand.
“How come I don’t see you around as often?” He asked .
I was about to utter the reason why I only got transferred to St. Philippe but decided to say something else instead to divert the conversation elsewhere “Kier right?” I said and looked at him. “It’s a long story”
He looked at me who seemed to be a little distressed. “Hey, I am sorry,” He whispered and looked at me apologetically, “I didn't mean to pry.”
'It's alright. It’s just too personal” I said , with a small smile and pointed to a nearby village. "That's where I stay.”
“Oh! That's good. Seems like you’re from a well off family”“Well, not really”
“By the way Meg, here are the notes for the classes that you missed. Kath wanted you to have it,” Kier said as he handed me the notebooks.
“Thanks a lot, Kier. I mean it,” I said as I gave him a sweet little smile.
“Meg” said Kier and caught my hand, “I think you should have my number. It may be come in handy,” he said and before I could protest, he already scribbled his number on my palm. “Don't wash your hands before writing down my number.”

When Bad Girls Fall In Love
General Fiction"Every tough facade is just a cover up for a vulnerable point that one doesn't want to be painfully exposed" Underneath that tough girl bravado was just a girl who needed someone to believe in her. She had been immensely busy trying to transform her...