Three years later ...Men have come and gone but none of them had been able to penetrate that veneer that I had so carefully constructed over the years.
I could not seem to let down my guard with any of them. Perhaps I just hadn't met anyone that I wanted to let get close to me.
Or perhaps I was incapable of ever giving anyone that part of myself again. Whatever the case, one man decided that he wanted in, no matter the cost.
It was late October and the weather in Makati had settled into a long warm period with light easterly winds bringing the occasional scent of the mid December.
Work was still busy, and I still can't figure out what's the reason why my relationship with my 9th boyfriend didn't work out.
Yes, I was already running for my 9th boyfriend or at least he was the 9th that I counted ever since that faithful goodbye with Jose.
But I try not to dwell on it anymore. It's not that I was getting back on every guy in the world, it's just that .. I just couldn't find any strings to hold to be serious anymore. Maybe because I was already scared to be broken that's why I was now doing the breaking part
Im starting to fall helplessly in love with my job as a Columnist writer for Entertainment and life style at this said newspaper.
I worked in a nice, but small cubicle. The cubicles were about 8 foot square, which was pretty generous in the world of saving overhead for companies.
There were about 60 cubes and 10 offices on my floor and this meant that there were about 5 small projects belonging to two different divisions in my company. My company had several floors of this office building and I was on the 5th floor
Donna, My senior, explained that I would be carrying out the work on my own, and so it was going to take at least two weeks. The woman said that was fine, and nodded
The advantage with my job is the fact that I get to go to exclusive concerts and interview with various undeniably good looking and vainglorious celebrity may it be locally or internationally
I even had a casual hook up with Marion Palanca, ever heard of him? He's an aspiring John Lloyd Cruz-wanna-be under the wing of Star Magic .. He was about my age but a little taller. Quite charming but a little vain and that's a real turn off
And when A Margaret Toledo is already discourage, she dumps someone like The Marion Palanca, Yes .. he likes adding 'The' before his name which annoys me. Such vainglorious asshole he is
"Hey, Toledo .. patawag ka daw ni Big Boss"
I was dragged from my daily trains of thought and from my computer to face my co-worker, Rico
"Baket daw?" I asked and he just shrugged his shoulders off and said "You better check it for your self.. seems important"
For the first time in my life I was nervous. I usually can tell what's going on before me but right now I have no idea
I was graced by Quinee, The big boss's assistant, she was the one who knocked the door twice for me
"Sir, Reyes .. Miss Toledo's here to see you" She said as she laid the cup of tea on Mr. Ronaldo Reyes, CEO of Buenas Noticias.
He was still on his busy phone call when he turned his swivel chair on our direction
"Yes.. Quite brilliant. I see--- Let's get it started by next week- Right. Call you back" He pressed on the button and laid down his phone

When Bad Girls Fall In Love
General Fiction"Every tough facade is just a cover up for a vulnerable point that one doesn't want to be painfully exposed" Underneath that tough girl bravado was just a girl who needed someone to believe in her. She had been immensely busy trying to transform her...