»»» illicit affairs

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title - illicit affairs

love interest - theodore nott

oc name - erin sinclair

face claim - seychelle gabriel*

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that's the thing about illicit affairs

and clandestine meetings

and longing stares.



Theodore Nott has it all: more money than he could ever spend, a large group of friends that have his back no matter what, looks that made girls fall at his feet, a more than secure spot on the quidditch team, and, most importantly, a pure family name. A name that Theo has been raised to protect from non-magical tainting since birth. He knows better than to intermix with muggles. After all, they are inferior to him.

But all of that changes the summer before Theo's first year, when the Sinclairs, a wealthy muggle family, decide to relocate from their penthouse in London to a country chateau just down the street from the Notts. 

Theo was certain that meeting Erin Sinclair would change his life. He just wasn't sure how.



- that extended summary kind of sucked. i'm shit at writing that sort of thing

- inspired by the song "illicit affairs" by taylor swift

- but basically, erin sinclair moves from London out to the countryside and she is not happy about it. like, at all

- her parents are like super absent (her dad is like a businessman and her mother's this eccentric artist or something like that) and Erin is an only child, so she just sort of explores the woods around the house to entertain herself when they move in

- she finds this idyllic lake in the middle of the woods, and claims the spot as her own, spending all of her time reading there

- one day, when erin is reading at the lake, theo catches her there and is annoyed because the lake is his special spot. they have this little standoff, then become friends

- theo asks her what her surname is, and when she tells him, he says he doesn't recognize it, and erin, confused, just tells him she's from london

-theo doesn't realize that erin is a muggle until he mentions hogwarts and she gets super confused


- she's sort of his first real friend (that isn't like draco malfoy or blaise zambini or whatever) so he just tells her its a boarding school

- throughout the entire book, theo is having this internal struggle of his prejudice and upbringing vs his developing feelings for erin as the years go by

- pretty much all of theo and erin's physical interactions take place over summer and christmas breaks

- they communicate through letters to each other during the school year

- theo realizes he like likes erin in the winter of his fourth year, when he doesn't want to take any girl at hogwarts to the yule ball, and spends his time at the dance moping and wishing he was there with her

- the next summer there's this whole nice pining thing and it's adorable and sweet and sad at the same time because you just want erin to realize her feelings and for them to get together finally

- erin realizes she like likes theo when she takes him as her date to her older cousin's wedding the summer before theo's sixth year (i just thought this would be a super cute, fun scene)

- they confess their feelings at the end of the night, as the wedding begins to die down, and they have their first kiss and it's adorable and stuff

- but theo has to return back to hogwarts, where things are getting really bad

- like so bad, his dad forces him to join the death eaters and get the dark mark 

- theo doesn't tell erin that he's a wizard until that winter, and they get into a huge fight about it

- erin is upset that he didn't tell her sooner and that he's been lying to her for practically the entire time they've known each other, and she's also not thrilled that he joined a blood supremacist cult, if you know what i mean

- theo is angry that erin doesn't understand that he only wants to protect her, and that he's been forced to do all of this

- it's up to you with how you want to continue the story from there, and whether or not you want to have a happy ending where they end up together, or even if you want erin to survive the war (i was thinking that she somehow gets wrapped up into all of it)


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