Pitaya Dragon Cookie

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Since their escape from the oven, (C/F) Cookie had always felt rather lonely, like something was missing.

The Mala Tribe of the Dragon's Valley were kind to them, and had helped them become a fearsome fighter who could handle even the harshest conditions, but even surrounded by friends and Cookies they considered family they felt so lonely.

Perhaps there was something, someone, for them outside the Dragon's Valley, waiting for them to go there.

Though it was only when Mala Spice Cookie began to worry that the ground was becoming too cool for the tribe that (C/F) Cookie wondered if they had any possibility to leave.

"I'd be happy to come with and help!" They said to the Tribe leader, grinning with newfound confidence.

"Are you sure you can handle the journey?" Mala Spice Cookie asks them, "I know you're tough, but you haven't spent much time outside the Village..."

"I'm sure." They nod.

"If you slow us down we WILL leave you behind!" One of the Cookies who had traveled to the Village says.

"No, we won't be leaving anyone behind Purple Yam Cookie." His companion says.

"Can we just go already?" The third groans, "I really want to meet the Dragon!"

Mala Spice Cookie laughs loudly, "Alright then! Let's go!"

Surprisingly it was the travelers who were the slowest. They generally didn't know their way and on more than one occasion Mala Spice Cookie had to help them back up from falling down a cliff.

"Uh, maybe we should've left you guys behind..." (C/F) Cookie says to the Cookie who had yelled at them earlier.

"SHUT UP!" He snaps.

"Purple Yam Cookie! That's not very nice! Apologize to them!" Milk Cookie demands.


This sparks an argument between the two until they reach the massive door of the Dragon's Nest.

"Here we are!" Mala Spice Cookie interrupts them.

"Woah! So is this the Dragon's Nest?" Dino Sour Cookie gapes.

"How many times did we get LOST?!" Purple Yam Cookie complains, "You said you were an EXPERT on navigating the Dragon's Valley!"

Dino Sour Cookie grumbles in annoyance.

"Well at least we've all arrived safe and sound." Milk Cookie smiles.

(C/F) Cookie stares up at the massive doors of the Nest. For some odd reason they felt the dragon on the front was staring back at them; they shudder and try to avert their eyes, though the feeling lingers.

"Now let's head on into the Dragon's Nest!" Mala Spice Cookie interrupts their train of thought—more accurately the lack thereof—-and the reality of why they were here crashes into them like a ton of bricks.

"Uh... I'll catch up with you guys." They say, doing their best to come up with an excuse to not get any closer, "I just want to catch my breath a little."

"Alright. But be careful." Milk Cookie smiles with an expression of understanding.

"YEAH! DRAGON!!" Dino Sour cheers, running over to push the door open.

Mala Spice Cookie gives them a confused look, though she doesn't say anything as the others interjected too quickly for her to question them. "See ya later then, (C/F) Cookie."

As they all went in (C/F) Cookie debated whether it was wise to stay so close to the Nest. They didn't feel safe staring at it, so how could being this close to it make them safer? Why did they suddenly feel so uneasy when everyone else was perfectly fine with it.
Deciding to pull themself together and just get this over with. They push open the door and step into the Dragon's Nest.

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