Longan Dragon

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(C/F) Cookie jolts out of a haze as they faintly register the dim light in their vision.

Where on Earthbread are they?!

The last thing they remember was running from Pure Vanilla Cookie as he succumbed to their curse. They had jumped, but this looked more like... wherever those snakes had dragged them before.

Large Dragon Eyes peer at them from several angles, and their gazes felt oppressive and terrifying stern. Even though it felt like the eyes had paralyzed them, their trembling legs proved they were not turning to stone.

Shaking fearfully, (C/F) Cookie locates the nearest doorway and runs through it. Somehow that strategy works, taking them out of the palace and across the yard until they're right at the edge of another sky island. The drop below this one appears to be water, so they'd get soggy and crumble if the fall didn't kill them first.

"(C/F) Cookie?" They spin around in shock. They know that voice, and they never thought they'd be happy to hear it. Ananas Dragon stares at them in shock. "You've been here this whole time...?" The terror in their eyes contrasts the prideful affection they were used to seeing there.

"No." They shake their head, "At least... I don't know. What's going on?"

"It's not safe for you here." Ananas Dragon quickly closes the distance between them. They look even more scared than (C/F) Cookie. "Come with me back to my islands. I will have the Cookies there take care of you."

"I-" They start to say they're not sure they can trust them, but an unfamiliar hand gently rests on their shoulder. Its presence alone fills them with immense dread. How could they have forgotten that this palace is a dragon's nest?! That snake Cookie said that that dragon had wished to see them. Now it seems they've got their wish.

"Longan Dragon...!" Ananas Dragon stares behind them with wide eyes. The fear in their eyes has only grown.

A similar fear keeps (C/F) Cookie rooted to the spot. This is how they crumble, isn't it? They can't even turn around to see what this dragon looks like. What was their name? Longan Dragon? Hadn't Lychee Dragon mentioned them before?

"They will not be leaving." Longan Dragon says sternly.

Ananas Dragon backs away, keeping their head low and a worried face. Their prideful boasting feels like a distant memory. Not even the curse can dissuade them from this other dragon's orders. Giving (C/F) Cookie one last worried glance, they turn and quickly fly away.

The second they're out of sight the hand on (C/F) Cookie's shoulder shifts to their face and forces them to look at the ivory dragon.

"Hello beloved." The dragon's eyes soften, but otherwise their expression remains unchanged.

(C/F) Cookie is too afraid to speak. They can feel themself trembling under the pressure this dragon's very presence has. Those piercing yellow eyes are unquestionably responsible for the Dragon Eyes.

"Do not fear." Longan Dragon carefully lifts them into their arms. "I will not be as brutal with you as my brethren were." They reenter the palace, crossing corridors that all look identical. "Although I am not pleased you sought your own destruction, I can assure you that no harm will reach you here." No harm they do not intend to reach them, at least. "As for our kin, they will not find you here. I have power enough to match them all. Even if they try, I will ensure they cannot scar you further."

What is that supposed to mean? Are they going to be trapped here forever?!

They're carefully deposited on their shaking legs and a powerful hold under their arm prevents them from immediately toppling over. "Do you wish to walk?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18 ⏰

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