Hollyberry Cookie

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Once they get out of sight of the tents they started sprinting into town, and unfortunately ran straight into someone almost immediately and fell over.

"Oh! Sorry!" They quickly say, though the Cookie they run into was definitely much sturdier than them.

"Oh, it's quite alright!" A cheerful voice accompanies a strong arm pulling them to their feet. "Are you ok?"

"Y-yeah." (C/F) Cookie is immediately intimidated by the passionate smile on the much stronger Cookie's face.

"Say," She looks them over, not letting go of their arm, "I don't think I've seen you around before... Are you from the Republic as well? You look like you came from the Dragon's Valley..."

"You've been to the Dragon's Valley?!" They gasp. "I..." The sheer amount of sentiment that hits them causes them to tear up.

"Goodness! Are you certain you're ok?" She frowns, "Why don't I take you to get some juice?"

"Your highness-" A Cookie (C/F) Cookie hadn't even noticed tries to cut in.

"Oh shut up, you...!" She grumbles. "Ignore him. Come on! Let's go cheer you up!" She literally starts dragging them along. "I'm Hollyberry Cookie! And you are?"

"Uh, (C/F) Cookie." They can't get a footing to start walking with her, so they resign themself to being dragged along.
While Hollyberry Cookie endlessly talks they manage to share a glance and nod of greeting with the Cookie silently following her everywhere.

"Here we are!"

(C/F) Cookie blinks at the little hangout Chunky Chip Cookie had brought them to earlier, not really all that surprised to be back.

"Bring us a couple of mugs of berry juice!" She says nonchalantly. Something tells (C/F) Cookie this is a fairly normal thing she does.

"Your highness, I really must insist. The Queen asked me to ensure—!" Her mostly silent shadow frowns.

"Oh, lighten up a little and have some yourself, Wildberry Cookie!" Hollyberry Cookie brushed him off. "Being too uptight about things will make everything less enjoyable to look back on!"

Both Wildberry Cookie and (C/F) Cookie are quiet as Hollyberry Cookie continues like he hadn't said anything.

"You're from the Dragon's Valley, right? What are you doing here in the Vanilla Kingdom? Are you here to sightsee as well?"

"Well, no." (C/F) Cookie frowns, "I'm not even sure how I got here... the last thing I remember is the dragon's destroying the world..."

"Dragons? Really? Well that certainly won't happen here! I've defeated a dragon once, you know? My shield was more than enough to stop its flames!" She boasts.

"Pitaya Dragon?" (C/F) Cookie says without thinking, "They're pretty nice to people they respect."

"Ha! You and I must be thinking of two different dragons! That beast decided to try and take over my kingdom while I was gone!" She scoffs.

"Well yeah, I would never put that past literally any of them... All of them are rather arrogant in nature..." They chuckle softly, then realize what it was they are doing.

Hollyberry Cookie didn't find anything they said unusual in the slightest (thank goodness), but they could tell from Wildberry Cookie's expression that he did.

"Overgrown lizards..." Hollyberry Cookie scoffs, "I would fight all of them at once if it meant never dealing with them again."

"I'm not sure you would win that fight..." (C/F) Cookie snickers, remembering the hostage Cookies Lychee Dragon kidnapped in the cave.

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