Lychee Dragon Cookie

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(C/F) Cookie sat up on the beach, exhausted and anxiety riddled, and immediately began coughing up sand.

The dragon must not have been too gentle with them on the landing...
Speaking of which... where are they? (C/F) Cookie was the only living thing in sight on the beach...

Forget the dragon... Where are THEY? This doesn't look like any of Ananas Dragon's islands... the air even smells different.

Straightening up, they scan the beach for anything they could use to simply leave the island and not have to deal with the dragon's games. Unfortunately there is nothing large enough to carry them or really anything that could float, meaning they'd have to leave the beach to accomplish anything. So (C/F) Cookie sighs and starts trekking up from the open sea.

"Hello!" A cheerful and oddly familiar, childish voice greets them, "Who are you?"

"Uh..." They turn towards the voice and take an unconscious step back, sensing danger from the child.

"Stay back, Mangosteen Cookie!" Someone else says, "We don't know what the intentions of this stranger are!"

(C/F) Cookie was not expecting to get like twenty spears pointed at them today. They don't even say anything due to this new development in their situation.
This is probably the most normal thing to happen to them in a long time!

"Stand down, all of you!" A loud voice calls from behind the crowd of armed Cookies. "Look at them? Do they look like they're in any way a threat?"

"No ordinary Cookie has that many scars..." One of the other Cookies mumbles.

"Uh, hi. I just woke up on the beach after getting forcefully dragged from... where I was living." (C/F) Cookie explains.

The child who is almost certainly the dragon runs in front of them and says, "Really? That sounds scary... Come on! I'll show you around!"

Literally everyone is speechless as this kid starts dragging them off, talking nonstop.

"Rambutan Village is this way, see?" They grin widely, "The Cookies there are all super nice, you'll see! Ooh! Maybe we can play Hide and Seek together after this! I can show you all the best places to hide and even tell you about some of my secret hiding spots!"
The kid just never stopped; (C/F) Cookie could hardly keep up with the conversation! It was only when they had been dragged around literally the entire island (except the cave) that they finally managed to get in anything.

"Uh, sorry but throughout your entire explanation I don't think I got your name..."

The kid finally stops to look at them with eyes that practically shine in adoration. "My name? It's-"

"Mangosteen Cookie!" Someone else shouts, clearly searching for the child and (C/F) Cookie. "Please come back, it's getting dark and I don't want our visitor to be attacked by any monsters!"

"Monsters...?" (C/F) Cookie looks down at the child—who is apparently called Mangosteen Cookie.

It was like a glimpse at their true draconic nature. Their expression was one of unreadable rage that looked... somehow even more horrifying on an ordinary Cookie's face. Then a moment later, as they turned to the one who had called them, they put on a bright and cheery smile.
"Ok!" Tightly grasping (C/F) Cookie's hand—proving that they were still angry—Mangosteen Cookie starts dragging them towards the stranger.

A strong Cookie with a spear smiles at the sight of the two of them. "I'm so happy you're ok! As capable as I know you are, I couldn't stop worrying that something bad had happened to you, Mangosteen Cookie."

"Of course we were ok!" Mangosteen Cookie says, "I was extra careful to make sure of it!"

The stranger laughs, smiling like a proud parent or sibling at such words, "I'm glad." Then she addresses (C/F) Cookie, "I don't think I've gotten a chance to introduce myself to you. I'm Rambutan Cookie, chieftain of the Rambutan Tribe."

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