Dark Cacao Cookie

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What happened? It feels like they just fell down a cliff... there is not a crumb of their body that doesn't hurt.

(C/F) Cookie starts up, expecting a hardened, angered dragon's face in the dark palace they had just been in, but instead they were greeted by several Cookies staring at them—looking almost as baffled as they felt!

They frantically look around and find themself in a bright, cheerful place, with green grass underhand, and a vibrant blue sky.

"A-are you alright?" One of the strangers finally breaks the uneasy silence.

"What?!" They regretted immediately shouting such an answer.

"Please, calm yourself..." The stranger takes one step in their direction, which has them scrambling to their feet.

"What is going on over here?" Someone else comes hurrying over. His vibrant green eyes remind them of the false Cookie eyes Lychee Dragon had when taking the form of Mangosteen Cookie—and his expression immediately went from a stern look of confusion to a loving expression they were growing to hate.

"What is this commotion?!" A stern voice yells. "You! I thought I said you aren't welcome here!" The regal figure fumes with anger at the sight of the other newcomer.
...Why is his sword that big, and where can (C/F) Cookie get one?

"Uh, your majesty, Dark Cacao Cookie, I was just coming to see what the shouting was... I promise I did not come to pursue my argument any further." The green-eyed Cookie dips his head in respect.

"And who are you?" His majesty with a magnificent sword turns his glaring gaze to (C/F) Cookie.

"...Lost." They answer simply.

"That does not answer the question!" The king says sternly. This environment does not suit him... this is probably not his kingdom.

"I do not know how well I can answer such a question when I and unsure where I am, and in whose company." They say, equally as stern.

The king's narrowed eyes soften just a little and that's when they realize that his glare reminded them of Ananas Dragon...

"Crunchy Chip Cookie."

"Yes, your majesty?" The stranger who had yet to speak answers him immediately.

"Take this Cookie back to the camp and see that they are fed. I would like answers in a private setting." The king turns without another word.

"Actually, I should like-" The green-eyed stranger froze at only a look from the king, "I will be on my way then. Come, Financier Cookie." He and the one who had originally spoken to them to try and calm them.

"Come with me." The little stranger—Chunky Chip Cookie—says. When they turn to follow him they are surprised to be facing the snout of a peculiar wolf. They also just stare in minor amazement as he just climbs up on the dog's back and starts leading the way like it was the most normal thing in the world. It reminds them a bit of Dino-sour Cookie and they don't hesitate to hurry off after him.

"I have never been so happy to eat something so bitter." (C/F) Cookie smiles, tearing through a third massive pile of raisins.

"When was the last time you ate? Not even the wolves get that hungry..." Crunchy Chip Cookie gapes at their appetite.

"I don't even care. I'm so happy to eat something that isn't bitter roots or fruit." They say, on the verge of sobbing in joy, "Dino-sour Cookie can ogle those beasts all he wants, but they suck at cooking!"

"Wow... Are our raisins that good?" One of the innkeeper Cookies gapes at them as well.

"Personally, they're not quite as spicy as I'd like, but the bitterness is a preferable contrast to what I've been eating." They compliment.

"We should go." Chunky Chip Cookie glances at the door.

"Hmm? Ok...?" (C/F) Cookie says, confused.

"How much?" He asks the Cookie at the bar.

"Oh, for you two it's on the house!" The Cookie waves him off. "Feel free to come back and visit anytime."

"I certainly will!" (C/F) Cookie grins.

"Come on." Crunchy Chip Cookie literally drags them out of the store and around to a row of dark tents. "I don't know how long his majesty wants to have to wait."

"I'm about to sound really dumb, but," (C/F) Cookie grimaces, "Who is he?"

"You've never heard of Dark Cacao Cookie?!" Crunchy Chip Cookie gapes like he's just been insulted.

"I've heard of Dark Choco Cookie..." They frown.

"No no no! Dark Cacao Cookie! The king of the Dark Cacao Kingdom?!"

"... What?"

"Where are you from?!" Crunchy Chip Cookie gapes at them.

"The Witches' Oven?"

Crunchy Chip Cookie sputters, but before he can say anything else he is silence by his king.

"You've returned. Excellent. I would like to speak with this stranger." Dark Cacao Cookie says.

"Yes, your majesty." Crunchy Chip Cookie pushes (C/F) Cookie in Dark Cacao Cookie's direction, then both men stare as they don't move afterwards.

"Come on, we don't have all day." Dark Cacao Cookie turns and begins to lead the way to his tent.

"Sire, if you please, I would rather meet in the open." They say, trying to sound more calm then they felt. They didn't want to potentially go somewhere they could be held hostage.

"How do I know I can trust your intention?" Dark Cacao Cookie turns back to them.

"Because if I speak to you here, everyone here can see and hear what I do. And in broad daylight you will certainly be able to see any move I may make to attack you."

He pauses, "Fine then. Tell us of your intention."

"I am (C/F) Cookie, and once part of the Mala Tribe, not that I can really call myself a part of it anymore. Before I arrived here I watched as the world around me was collapsing, so I'm afraid I might be lost entirely."

"The world was collapsing?" Dark Cacao Cookie gasps, "What brought that to pass?"


There is silence.

"So it was not the work of Dark Enchantress Cookie." Dark Cacao Cookie frowns.

"Uh, who?"

"You are ignorant of the terrible workings of Dark Enchantress Cookie? The Dark Flour War?"

"Yeah, I don't know what any of those are..."

He doesn't say anything, but his gaze begins to feel more and more like the glare Ananas Dragon would always give them. Like he was trying to piece together what was going on in their head, and failing to see what was really there.

Maybe whatever this curse is isn't limited to just the Dragons...

"I see, perhaps you should stay with me for the time being."

Ok, that's their cue to leave!

"I'm, actually I'd like to look around a bit, and get a better feel of my surroundings..." They point back in the direction of town.

"I insist." He says, "There are Cookies here who will use your nativity against you."

"And I am perfectly capable of seeing that for myself." They counter, trying to subtly point out that that is what he is doing. They step away. If Lychee Dragon had taught them anything, it's to not stay where the one you're trying to get away from can reach you because if they want to grab you they will.
"I'm certain we will meet again, but I would really like to be going..."

It felt like a miracle that he let them walk away without yelling after them.

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