Ananas Dragon Cookie

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"Woah there? Hello? Are you alright?" A small, friendly voice filled with concern helps coax (C/F) Cookie from their very long nap.

"Huh?" They open their eyes, feeling like they had just been hit with a massive pile of bricks, and are a bit startled to find a pair of eyes staring down at them. "GAH!!"

"Woah! Sorry!" The stranger says nervously, "The fish just brought you to the beach when Artichoke Cookie was playing his drums and you don't look like you're from around here..."

"Where...?" (C/F) Cookie looks around. Their surroundings are beautiful! It's nothing like the Dragon's Valley! It's not outrageously hot, there are birds and trees everywhere, and the ocean itself looks stunning!

"Welcome to our islands! I'm Mango Cookie, the one-and-only guide!" The cheerful stranger greets.

"I'm (C/F) Cookie... I'm actually quite glad to be here... Could you tell me what those are?"

"Oh! Those are some of our islands wonderful coconuts! If you follow me, I can take you somewhere you can have some!" He grins, grabbing their hand and lifting them to their feet, "I'd be happy to help you explore the islands. ...The waves have been getting rougher and less visitors have been coming by."

"Oh? The Dragon's Valley has been cooling down... they could be related..."

"The Dragon's Valley? Is that where you're from? What are you doing here?" Mango Cookie gasps.

"Uhhhh... you said something about food earlier..."

"Oh, right!" He smiles, "Hop onto my canoe and let's get going!"

(C/F) Cookie was amazed by the beauty of the islands. The food was so sweet and the scenery more gorgeous than even their initial impression. The Cookies all were so happy too; they all loved their islands and cherished the beauty of them.
Mango Cookie especially. He knew more about the islands than (C/F) Cookie had questions about them!

But (C/F) Cookie was still a little on edge... Especially when Mango Cookie said the Golden Dragon helped protect the islands. What if they ended up trapped like what Pitaya Dragon Cookie had done?

Despite the kindness the Mango Tribe and other islanders showed them, they were afraid to share their story with any of them, though they were questioned many times because of the countless scars from Pitaya Dragon Cookie's rough training and poor medical skills....
It was just nerve wracking to hear people who admire a dragon ask about pains they had received from a different dragon.

But today was just as beautiful as the others as they rested on the beach of the Pineapple Island with little care.
Mango Cookie had given them a small basket of an assortment of fruits for their little day trip there, but with little to do by themself they had taken to watching the waves and snacking as they waited for his return.

"...?" A munching sound next to them draws their attention away from the waves rolling across the sand.

A small pet was munching on the fruit in their basket; a pet that definitely wasn't there five seconds ago...

"Hello there." They smile, greeting the small animal.

It tenses and looks up at them, slowly starting to back away from the basket.

"No, it's ok! I wasn't planning on eating all of this anyway!" (C/F) Cookie offers the pet a mango, which it tentatively takes from them.

No sooner was the fruit out of their hands was the pet tearing straight through it. It was kind of funny to watch the little thing eat like it hadn't been fed in years.

But a shadow suddenly stretching on the beach beside them caused their breathing to quicken. It was jagged and large, just like...

"What does a Cookie like you think they are doing feeding my Pet?"

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