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Loki's POV
142 led us to a long hall where some people and aliens alike were having some sort of a rave. It was interrupted by her clearing her throat and getting an eclectic looking man's attention. "Grandmaster, I picked these two up in the junkyard," she said, presenting me and Y/n. Once again, I tightly gripped her hand. The Grandmaster sat down in a futuristic chair and asked a woman next to him, "Ah, yeah, can we move closer please?" The woman rolled her eyes and pressed a button, moving him closer. "Greetings and welcome to Sakaar. What are your names? Especially you, you gorgeous young lady! You are a lady, aren't you?" He said to Y/n. I clenched my jaw. I wasn't a fan of the fact that he was subtly hitting on Y/n. She smiled albeit a bit wickedly and said, "Y/n Laufeyson. Married to Loki Laufeyson and Princess of Asgard." Smooth. Smart no doubt as well. She was pretending to be married to me. The Grandmaster raised an eyebrow. "Ah, forbidden fruit! And this right here is Loki Laufeyson?" He asked, gesturing to me. "Yes, Grandmaster. Loki Laufeyson, God of Mischief, Prince of Asgard," I replied. The Grandmaster smiled and said, "Well, Topaz, we shall keep these lovely people in my palace. 142, if you find any contenders, do let me know." I figured Topaz was his little assistant.
Later that evening we had some privacy. The Sakaaran equivalent of maids brought in clothing for both me and Y/n so she was preoccupied with folding and putting those up. I was sitting on the balcony of our room. "Y/n Laufeyson, huh?" I smirked. She laughed after a moment. I shook my head and smirked. "It's not like you would even mind that," I replied. Y/n took a break from putting up dresses and other clothes to come out onto the balcony with me. "You know, if I wasn't scared to pieces for your brother, I'd say this was rather nice," she said.
"Thor is dead. I'm ninety percent sure of it."
"He's not. You have to have faith, Loki. For me, for all of us."
She kissed me on the cheek and even after four years of us courting, it sent a welcome chill up my spine. "I love you," she said as she went back into the room to make the bed for the evening. "I love you more."
3 Weeks Later
The Grandmaster had announced that there would be another rave, as apparently 142 had found another contender. Who this fearsome contender was, I had no clue. Y/n put on a dress and I used a spell to style her hair like she always did, and we walked towards the room where the Grandmaster held his parties. When we got there the music had already started. Y/n and I sat down with some drinks which tasted like sugar water, and clearly made you want to keep going back for more. A few hours into the party (it only felt like a few minutes), I heard, "Loki! Loki!" I looked over to Y/n. "Did you say something?"
I looked to my left and saw Thor, sitting in a chair similar to the Grandmaster's. He was strapped in. And he was alive. "You're alive?" I asked. "Of course I'm alive, how are you alive?" He asked. We shushed each other as Thor waved to Y/n, who waved back eagerly. "Where's your chair?" He asked me. "I didn't get a chair!" I replied quite matter of factly. "How long have you been here?" He asked.
"I've been here three weeks!"
"Three weeks, I've been here three hours!"
As we argued the Grandmaster came up and asked, "What are you guys whispering about?" Thor rolled his eyes and said, "This is my brother, Loki tell him!"
"I've never met this man in my life!"
I heard Y/n scoff in the near distance and looked behind me. She was giving me the evil eye. "Adopted," I changed the wording. I turned and saw Y/n smile and rolled my eyes. "Well, Lord of Thunder--"
"God of Thunder!"
"Whoever competes against my fearsome champion and wins, their freedom they shall win!"
"Then point me in the direction of whoever's ass I have to kick!"
I rolled my eyes and walked away back to Y/n. I didn't hear the rest of the conversation, only I saw Thor's chair moving away and him calling my name. The party soon ended and Y/n and I went back to our suite.
Normal POV
"I've put a large amount of money on Thor for the Contest of Champions," I heard Loki say after a while in bed. I sighed. "I'm worried for him. He's fought, but we don't know what he's going to be up against," I said, turning over to face Loki.
"You don't need to be worried, love. It's Thor, he'll handle it."
"I know. I suppose part of this is lingering guilt for leaving him without saying anything for four years."
"Oh, this again."
"I have a point and you know it. He's your brother. He loves you. And quit being a drama queen, I've brought it up once."
Loki rolled his eyes and spooned himself around me. He kissed me on the back of the head and whispered, "I love you most, darling."

The God Who Fell to Earth (Loki xfemreader) {UNDER EDITING}Where stories live. Discover now