Cigarette Butts (4)

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1.7K WORDS!!!

JESUS CHRIST SHALLOW PEOPLE don't deserve the right to speak. Lunch was alright, used to be my favorite part of the day mainly because I wouldn't  have to listen to the jocks in the back of every class talk about the new girls who they swear they've never seen before. They've actually always been here, some just got bigger boobs or ass. But this table was full of people, snobs to be exact. Them and theyre shallow minded mothers had something to say about everyone, god forbid they weren't rich and pretty.

I kept my head down at the table listening to my sister Chrissy ramble about how much cheer was taking a toll in her hair routine. God could she just shut up already. She talks about the same shit every damn day. My boyfriend Jason, he was rambling about how much he hated the freaks, how it didn't sit right with him that theyre 'satanic' game killed people. God he couldnt just get to know them, theyre not 'freaks' theyre people. With feelings. Jesus Christ some of them were KIDS! The new incoming freshman class.

"Theyre not freaks yknow." I spoke looking up from my salad i was just poking at. Carol suggested i eat more salad because my face was 'getting wider' and my legs weren't 'skinny enough anymore'. Who was gonna tell her that her hair was starting to get bigger than the list of the peoples she's slept with. Not shaming people for their sex life, but i am. "What? What are you talking about Sarah?" Jason looked a little betrayed that his girlfriend didn't agree with him. "Theyre not freaks! Yeah they play a fantasy game and where their own club shirts, but that doesn't mean theyre freaks. Just because they have different interests other than throwing balls into baskets or whatever you call them, doesn't make them weird or a cult leader. Idiot." I mumbled the last part so he wouldn't hear it. "Why are you suddenly defending the freaks, Sarah? What, you turning into one of them now?" Tommy said high-fiving some of the other jocks as they laughed, shit even Chrissy laughed. Jesus Christ tommy h just didn't learn where to fall in line with the right people. "That's not it! You can't jus-" I was cut off by none other than the school 'freak', Eddie Munson. He was a character, a funny one at that. I guess i grew fond of his daily rants in the cafeteria. They made it interesting.

"But as long as your into band or science...or partieeesssss, or a GAME WHERE YOU TOSS BALLS INTO LAUNDRY BASKETS!" I giggled at the last one drawing eyes around the table i was at, i quickly stifled the rest of my laughs and noticed Jason getting up. "You want something freak!?" Eddie simply replied by putting his hands on his head resembling horns, and sticking his tongue out. I smiled and I guess at some point his eyes drifted to me and shot me an even bigger smile. He walked across his table once more and sat down. I seemed to not wipe my smile away quick enough when Jason grabbed me by the arm and dragged me to the back of the school between the gym and another building. "What the fuck was that Sarah?" Jason was beyond pissed and for some odd reason i didn't give two shits.

"What was what Jason?"

"You smiling at the freak! Don't give him the idea that he has some power over you now. For all i know he can use you in one of his- his rituals!"

"Are you that fucking shallow? Like literally. Is your brain so small that you can't comprehend that it's a fucking game? They play a fantasy game..." I looked at him like he was stupid. Cause quite frankly he was.

"Oh and you seem to know so much about this game all of a sudden?"

"Yes i do. You know why? Because I was just like them! I also babysat the Henderson and Wheeler boy every damn Saturday night. Theyre actually cool you know. Sick ass freshman, don't give a shit about what dickwads like you tell them. Maybe you should get to know them. It wouldn't kill you to actually know the whole story before you go and rein on their parade." I was so annoyed with how he treated people. I was fed up. "Also if you knew the whole story maybe you would realize that I don't fucking love you anymore! Your bullshit, your bullshit friends, and your bullshit opinions. Im so sick of you being a dick to everyone! Even people who don't deserve it like Eddie Munson and his friends. Jesus Christ get a grip Jason!" I started to feel like Nancy Wheeler talking to Steve Harrington that one afternoon in gym sophomore year. Except this time i had no problem being Nancy Wheeler, she was pretty badass if you asked me but Steve didn't deserve that. But still, she's pretty badass.

"Sarah you don't mean that. Stop being a bitch and stop defending people- no freaks! Jesus Christ..." Jason was about to get his ass handed to him by Chrissy Cunninghams twin sister. She slapped Jason across the face seething at what he had just called her. "You keep defending them your gonna end up like a freak just like them."

"Hey hanging out with people who do whatever they please, not giving a shit about what people think of them, sounds pretty great. Better than sitting with girls who starve themselves to be loved by you shallow, small brained jocks, who will end up being washed up middle aged men wondering where their life went wrong, sitting in there house at the end of the coldesac living their lives just like their pathetic old dad." Jason slapped her across the face, his own being red and him breathing heavily. "Don't talk to me like that! Your just a-" Sarah cut him off with a punch across his face. She pushed against the wall and kneed him in the balls. "Suck. My. Dick Jason. Shit it's bigger than yours anyway." Jason walked away looking back at me every 3 steps. I rummaged through my pockets looking for the pack of cigarettes in my leather jacket.

It was already 7th period last class of the day, the bell had rung when i was on my spiel about my not loving Jason anymore, so i just decided to skip, what's the worst that can happen? I found the pack but the lighter i had was gone. Shit. I held the cigarette in my mouth searching the pockets of my jeans and jacket desperately hoping i missed it the first time. "You need a light?" someone spoke from next to me pulling out a cigarette of their own.

"Yeah, please." I put the cigarette in my mouth again and leaned towards the body next to me, turning my head to face them when i saw him. Eddie Munson. Oh shit. "Oh shit. What up Munson?" I spoke as he lit my cigarette. "You....Sarah Cunningham.........know who i am?" Eddie looked shocked that a brunette, wavy hair, leather jacket, sister of Chrissy Cunningham the queen of the school...would know someone like him. "Of course i do," Sarah was confused, she noticed everyone, granted she didn't talk to them because of her social status and being hated by the only shitty friends she had. "Your Eddie 'the freak' Munson, infamous sadist, D&D player who gives no fucks about what anyone says, and has fluncked the 12th grade a couple times. Although, i disagree with the freak part." I smiled like a genuine small, the first one in what felt like forever. "Wow. Sarah Cunningham, socializing with the freak and flattering him...wouldn't that make you lose like 10+ friends alone?" He smiled twirling apart of his hair discarding the cigarette he had pulled out. I took a long drag of mine, "Eh. Who cares, i like your friends Dustin and Mike anyway. Theyre pretty cool. Your other friends too, what are they your band mates-" I paused trying to think of the name of his band from middle school. "Corroded Coffin? Am i right?"

"That you are Cunningham." He smiled. "You know, I didn't take you for a smoker. Yknow the prettier sister, popular girl dating the jock, king of the school, smoking? I like that." He said with a smirk taking her cigarette from her mouth taking a drag himself. Strawberry Chapstick. He expected nothing less from her. He liked his lips and handed it back to her. "Well believe it or not Eddie, i was once a freak like you. Im not dating the meat head jock anymore by the way." He laughed not believing it. "No way Sarah. I wouldve known."

"Remember the little girl in the 7th grade who said she liked your buzzcut and music." I asked hoping he'd remember. "She was wearing a black sabbath hoodie and red converse, and a bandanna tied in her hair."

"Yeah she was pretty and short for being in the 7th. She said she'd also gotten held back for being suspended too much because....i think she beat the shit out of a kid who punked the Byers boy. Jonathan? i think? Mentioned she played D&D too." Eddie was confused at to what she was getting at.

"That was me Munson." She replied in a duh tone. Eddie was shocked. She's changed a bit but now he really saw it. "No shit Cunningham! That's crazy!" He laughed out of excitement. He knew something about the Cunningham girl no one knew. She handed him her cigarette for one last puff as the bell rang signaling the end of this Friday. He took it and took a drag out of it and stuffed it out.

He grabbed a marker from his back pocket, writing something on the cigarette. I was so confused as to what he could possibly fit on the shortest cig butt. He handed me the butt and i examined it and saw a number. His number. I looked up at him and smiled.

"Incase you need it Cunningham." He started to walk away. I smiled softly at the number.

Maybe Eddie Munson wouldn't be bad company after all.

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