Bonus Chapter: Naruto Discovers a Phone

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"Oh. Oh! I got it to work again!" Naruto looked at the strange camera he was holding, "Hey, I got this from Fei's house. She told me it was called...uh...what was it? OH! A phone! She said it didn't work anymore, but I really wanted to see it! I kinda took it...but I don't think she'll mind! She probably hasn't even noticed, haha! Aren't I cool!"

The camera rustled for a bit as Naruto adjusts the angle, "Um, so I was snooping around on it, but I found a picture that looked kinda like a camera. I pushed on it since I figured it probably takes a picture! And I took many! But then I did something that cause it to have a timer, and I panicked. But it just...captures my past? I don't know, but it's cool!"

He flipped the camera so it captures the landscape, "I'm going to look around the village with this! But I promise, afterwards, I'm going to return it to Fei! If you're seeing this Fei, I got you! Haha!"




"Ehehehe, look at this," Naruto giggled. Naruto recorded a resting Sasuke, who is minding his own business. He held the camera with one hand and with the other, he pretended to squeeze Sasuke, making sounds as he pressed.

"Sqweesh, sqweesh, sqwoo! Ahaha!" he laughed harder, clutching his stomach and making him look away. Sasuke looked toward Naruto and scoffed, making his way to leave before noticing the strange device.

"What is that dobe holding?? What is he doing?" he murmured, sneaking out of Naruto's sights. He dashed away while the blonde boy was distracted and made his way towards him from the back. Naruto began to settle himself down as he looked back to continue.

"Huh? Where did he go?" Naruto questioned.







"Shut up," Sasuke looked at the camera from all angles, trying to figure out what it was, "It's like a camera, but smaller. It also...can record visuals?" The camera shook as the boys continued to wrestle over it. Sasuke pushed him away as he continued looking, "Where did you take this from?"

"None of your business!" Naruto rapid shot, getting angrier by the second.

"It was from Fei, wasn't it?" Naruto paused for a bit before continuing his struggle, "Where could she have gotten this from? Do you know anything? Probably not, you loser."

"You know what! That's it! Multi-shadow clone jutsu!"





"Wah~! It's Sakura!" he zoomed in on the unaware girl sitting on a bench near the academy, "She's so pretty!"

"Who's there? Naruto? What are you doing here? And what are you holding?!" she yelled out.

"Oh S-Sakura! Here let me show you!" he approached her, shaking the camera as he ran, "this is...a phone!"

"A phone? What's that, can I see?"

"Well...maybe, but it'll cost ya..." that was a pause, "A kiss!"



"OWW! Sakura!"

"Whoa, is that me?!" she brushed her hair and blinked, before waving her hand.

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