Chapter 23: Last Office And Brother Gods

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Normal: Dialogue, Narrations

Italics: Thoughts

Bold: A/N, Quotes

Bold + Italics: Songs lyrics, Voice on speaker

Bold + Underline: Dimension change information

(A/N: All the images, fan-designs, opening, ending or gifs used do not belong to me, they belong to the respective owners)

Previously we saw Issei and the others head to Level 11, from Level 6.1 where they see the skyscrapers of Level 11, there they notice Sonya on her rounds of the level, Summer calls her out and they meet Sonya, after that she asks how they ended back here, which Issei responds with telling her everything that had happened to him and the gang so far with their journey in The Dark Metro as well as Level 6.1, Sonya sighs, she never thought that they would have ended up in there of all places, she then goes over an including an incident that took place with two agents with one of them nearly transforming into a Wretch, because of The Dark Metro, horrifying everyone. Jaune then asked for an alternative route which Sonya informs them is by Level 36, however one of the levels right before The End is considered to be extremely dangerous as it is considered to be the edge of the Backrooms, most dangerous entities reside there itself there, which they take considering none of them want to go back to The Dark Metro, they take that option, after that they head to the airport where Level 36's entrance was present after which they entered the level. Issei noted that the level looked like the real Buffalo airport in USA, there they discuss where they have to go next, the one they needed to go is Reeve Backrooms Flight which will take them to Level 9223372036854775806, also nicknamed The Last Office, they then look to see a bunch of wanderers running away. Upon inquiry they find out that they were being chased by a horde of Skin-stealers and Hounds, they decide to take them out and were easily able to overwhelm them, Issei did not even use his balance breaker for them and Jaune was able to fight even without his suit, the others were also doing a good job in slaying them all with ease and not much effort, they then moved to a cafeteria run Azeutian Food Court where they had their lunch for the day, that being Sandwiches, while Ruby has sweets while Rex has Almond water and Jerry has Sunflower seeds, after that Issei asks whether they should be introduced to the people back home, with the majority suggesting once they reach Level 3999 they should be introduced, which Issei agreed upon. Issei then asked about Remnant and Melromarc, which Jaune was not looking forward to go back, while Naofumi wanted to go back for his people's sake, after that they move on to the area where the gates are present where they play games to spend time, Issei asks Ingvild on whether she would join school, as he explains what School is, and what his school is like since she was not aware of what school looks like, he then explains the school and all it's weirdness, which Jaune finds similar to his own academy, but before they could continue, an announcement happens of the Reeve Backrooms Flight which they needed to go for, they then go to the gate mentioned, and sit in the flight, once they get down, they seem to have reached Level 9223372036854775806

In Remnant

Beacon Academy, 3:30 PM

Ozpin: Fuck my life, why do I have this much paperwork?, my life just keeps getting worse

Ozpin said in an exhausted and annoyed tone, he wondered if there is anyone else who hated paperwork as much as he did, maybe Ironwood, maybe someone from another universe, but he is not wanting to do this much paperwork, even Glynda or Port does not have to suffer this much. That was when Glynda showed up with a man. He had graying black, spiky hair, faded red eyes, and slight stubble along his jawline. Along with a red, tattered cloak, he wore a gray dress shirt with a long tail, black dress pants and black dress shoes. He also wore a ring on his right index finger, two other rings on his right ring finger and a necklace with a crooked cross-shaped pendant. His bangs were down most of the time

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