I:Marked By An Omega

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Third Person's POV

It was unexpected, she had not expected to be hit by her heat right there in the middle of the convention and how embarrassing is that, Amity Blight the top abomination student, star player of banshee was unexpectedly hit by her heat on a unexpected place for all time of day.

Yes Amity Blight is an Omega but she isn't the only Omega in her family, there's Emira and then her mother and her brother is a Beta but anyways this was an unexpected turn of events as she is usually prepared for whenever her heat hit her and most of all she keeps track when the day her heat would come but right now she isn't as she hadn't expected.

She knew she was already done just 3 weeks ago, so it confused to why it returned? What's more worst it returned to her 10× worst than the last time and she can't keep that annoying scent that is messing with her nose for titans sake.

Her eyes were basically glowing pink now and she had to calm down, calm down Blight you can't lose your control because of a stupi-

Amity's thoughts were suddenly cut off when she felt something bumping into her and that annoying that had bothered her for awhile now came even stronger than before causing her eyes to almost dilated but hold herself back as she turned around to face the nitwit that bumped into her which was none other than Willow's fake abomination.

"Oh it's you Willows abomination thing."Amity snarled as she glared at the human in front of her, tho something deep within her that just wanna pounce on this human for some odd reason she can feel her heart in pain like she doesn't wanna get angry at this human, why!?

"Yeah about that I'm not Willows abomination but I'm Luz, Luz Noceda."the human spoke handing their big hand towards her, Amity cam feel her knees go weak hearing the humans voice but she hold herself back. It was because of her heat that this is happening, that she's reacting this way towards this human.

Luz has been smelling this weird lavender and mint scent tho she ignores it, Luz is right now in her rut but she basically pro or an expert when it comes to ignoring it. Luz isn't an ordinary Alpha not that she's that special but she was trained to ignore her rut and all instinct to mate since she was little, the human realm definitely had the same system A/B/O system that the Demon realm had but the only difference is that the person is already born either as an Omega, Alpha or Beta.

But being born an Alpha in a whole Omega and Beta community definitely made her mother worry, having an Alpha born on Connecticut at Gravesfield are rare and it can only be counted on hand to how many alpha's are born there.

Not only that Luz is a pure blooded Alpha which added more to Camila's worry that's why along with her husband and their other family they trained Luz to have a lot of self control and never give in with the instinct as if she presented as a Alpha more worst a pure Alpha, chaos would happened and well there would be Omega left and right either knocking on the door or try knock down the door just to get to her.

Anyways back to present, Luz challenges Amity to a duel a witches duel because Luz was mad that Amity is being mean to King and even went far to squashing his cupcake.

No one really thought that would happen but things probably won't get worst right?...right?

Yeah right like the universe is ever on Luz's side not even for just a moment, Luz can only do one magic but that doesn't matter she can particularly keep her ground against Amity.

Anyways Luz told Eda what she did and then met Eda's sister, she is actually surprised that Eda had sister but then again she know nothing about the woman that much at all but anyways Eda gave Luz a bat that she could used which leave Luz immediately thinking of how she could make use of her light glyph.

Soon the duel is about to begin, Amity felt like her chest is about to combust and she was sweating, really sweating because her entire body felt hot like literally hot and it was all thx to her stupid heat and she felt more aggressive than usual.

Lilith saw that but she had her doubt and she doesn't wanna say anything because of Amity's aggressiveness being a bit extra and she might get pounce by her if she did.

After introducing the two to the audience the duel had now begin, Amity was the first to attack and Luz could see the aggressiveness of the Blight and immediately rolled to the side to dodge her.

Luz was confused to why the Blight is so aggressive and it once again tried to pounce on her which she once again dodge, Amity then begin to draw multiple spell circles and summed abomination and none look friendly at all, few were limbs kinda like claws as it's trying to capture her.

This caused the human to receive a few cuts and her clothes being torn a bit from it, Luz felt slightly aggravated and pulled out a few light glyphs activating them then used her bat. She hit a few on the upcoming abomination exploding them surprising everyone especially Amity who hadn't expected that but immediately kept her focus.

There was just this urge, the urge of wanting to kept the human down...the urge to mark her as hers only. Summoning more and more abomination Amity used this to sneak behind the human.

Luz was completely occupied by the abomination and is already thinking of just attacking the summoner but then she felt something pounced her, she landed on the ground and turned around to see Amity now on top of her. The audience watched this none could noticed Amity's eyes had now glowed intensely as she tried to pin Luz down.

"Stop moving."Amity growled and summoned an abomination to hold the human down, Luz was on completely pinned on the ground and is stained more of the abomination as she continued to struggle.

Amity sat on top of her stomach panting heavily, Amity grabbed the human by the cheeks and forced her to look at the side and she used her other hand to pulled the clothe a bit down to show the humans scent gland. There was it again the familiar sweet sweet spicy scent she keeps smelling, Luz then immediately caught on to what the Blight is about to do so does Eda and Lilith and before anyone could even stop what Amity is doing.

Amity bare her fangs and digged them right where the neck and the shoulder met, Luz eyes went wide and her mouth agape but no sound came out instead she let out a sharp gasp and her body twitched for a moment before passing out. Amity didn't pulled away just yet waiting for the glowing of her eyes to slowly fade and once it did she pulled away.

She marked the human, finally...

Amity was immediately snapped out of her trance when she felt a sudden yank that got her off the human, she almost snarled when she immediately realized what she had just done.

Both Lilith and Eda checked on the knocked out human, the restrain Amity put on Luz were gone but that isn't what they are concerned. Amity just marked Luz, marked Luz!

"Amity what had you done."Lilith turned to her student, this was unexpected really unexpected and not only that Amity just throw herself in mess not even Lilith could get her out.

"I'll deal with you and your student later Lilith and come any near my pup and I'll make sure you will pay."Eda growled definitely going into a mama owl mod and quickly picked up Luz off the ground and left the stadium.

Amity couldn't process what just happened but one thing keeps running around her mind, she marked the human! Oh what would her family say about this...

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