VII:Getting To Know You P2

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Third Person's POV

Luz was feeling slowly better and her rut have been bearable now that the last few days ago ever since she got marked. She also gotta thank Amity for staying by her side all that time at least with her scent around her alpha seemed to have calm down content with just smelling the omega in the room or sometimes cuddle.

She's already aloud to go a bit outside the Owl House but until her rut has worn off she won't be leaving any time soon and still stayed at home.

Anyways she was informed by Eda that Amity is gonna visit today to check if she is okey, Luz can't really believe she is already marked. Who knew she would be the first Alpha back at her home in her age to ever be marked. She certainly not prepared to be a mate to anyone not that she's an Omega but still, she is pretty sure that her mother would be the one to choose who she would mate with cause at least her mother knew them.

Luz just let out a heavy sighed and got dressed, she put on a simple black undershirt covered by a white loose t-shirt with red sleeves, black leggings underneath a brown pants, boots and fingerless gloves also a belt bag which kept her glyphs in.

Once ready she heard the window opening and revealing Hooty.

"Hoot Hoot, Amity's hear for you Luz."Hooty said and Luz smiled gently at the bird tube."yes thank you for the reminder Hooty."Luz said and the tube bird retreated out the room.

Luz let out a sighed and exit her room then proceeded her way downstairs to the front door, she pushed the door opened and standing in front of her was none other than Amity Blight.

Really even if her Alpha is jumping in joy she felt mostly uncomfortable.

"Uh hi...Hu-i mean Luz."Amity said also feeling awkward of the situation, this is the first time they would even have a conversation or time together without Luz being in daze or trance.

"Hello to you too Amity."Luz greeted back with a small smile plastered on her face."ahem would you mind coming with me? I mean spent your 2 hours with me, it won't be that far I promise."Amity said really she can't believe she this bad at this kind of stuff but then it did made Luz a bit comfortable around the omega and giggled."okey."Luz simply answer, she didn't took Amity's hand and simply signed her to lead the way which the witch get the hint and leaded the way.

It really wasn't that far from the Owl House and Luz felt like she was back at the Human realm seeing that the ground was filled with dandelions made the smile on Luz's face went wide in excitement.

"How do you know I love dandelions?"Luz turned to Amity who looked away a bit as her face flushed red."I-i asked that illusionist witch you hang out with about it and then Willow helped me set these up."she explained, that actually surprised Luz never would expect someone like Amity to do all these.

"Anyways I made some sandwiches and apple blood, we could eat some while we get to know each other more."Amity said, Luz can see the flustered expression Amity had and the hesitation too.

Luz really appreciate Amity's effort, really she does. It's kinda weird since Luz is the alpha but she is acting more of an Omega than the actual omega in front of her that is acting a lot like an Alpha. Maybe they could blame the way they were raised but guess they could cherish these wholesome moment just for today.

"I would love that."Luz smiled gently and took Amity's hand as she pulled her towards that tree at the middle where there this blanket under it and they both sat down there.

Amity learned so much about Luz like how Luz learned so much about Amity and they do have infact a lot of in common and at the same uncommon.

Amity felt bad for Luz, to say she is an Alpha but she never get to do what other alpha's would do. Basically Luz has denied all Omega since she was young, Luz was forced to surpass her rut either with or without her pills to help her get by it and she could only imagine how while acting all normal knowing the fact she's in her rut must have been really painful.

Luz also felt the same way towards Amity, being an Omega in her family means Amity is to make sure that no Alpha could just simply just be her mate. Amity is basically almost has the same experience as Luz the only difference is Amity takes special pills to actually help her throughout her heat without needing to do...does..mating or uh.. masturbating to ride her heat out.

2 hours passed and Amity decided to walk Luz back to the Owl House like said isn't that far, once already in front of the Owl House they stopped for a second and Luz turned to Amity.

"I really had a lot of fun getting to know you, Amity."Luz said and Amity could say the same thing."anyways thx for also helping me to sleep with ease that time too, get home safe."Luz leaned close and place a quick peck on Amity's cheek which surprised the witch and Luz quickly bid her goodbye as she entered the house.

Amity stood there shock for a second, really surprised and at the same time couldn't help but jump in joy when she was away ear shot or eye shot from the Owl House.

On the other hand Eda and King with Hooty saw that and begin teasing the brunette about it, Luz simply let out an annoyed growled and retreated back to her room needing sleep.

A/N:my apologies if I took long to update, if I suddenly didn't fell I'll I would have posted sooner.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2022 ⏰

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