III:You Marked Her!?

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Third Person's POV

Amity run her fingers against her cheek still feeling it slightly sting from her mother slapping her 2 days ago after she found out what she had done back at the convention. Amity didn't really meant to do that nor even wanted to actually mark the human, she hated her especially she's the reason she got in trouble but still she ended up marking her.

Odalia yelled at her ears off that day completely can't believe she did that, well not even Ed and Em expected her to do that but she did it anyways and she knew that would be a mess she couldn't escape even with her families name or Lilith's help no one could help her out of this mess she inflicted on herself.

The youngest Blight felt the longing of seeing her marked mate, she really wanna see her even tho she hated her to the core back then it felt like that feeling disappear the moment she marked her and she tried for 2 days now to see her but the Owl Lady had the bird tube stop her from making that kind of advance to see her mate.

Even tho far away she could still smell her sweet spicy scent. Amity had the urge to be curled up against her, to feel her and...do those things and thinking about it caused her cheeks to turned bright red can't believe she even thought about that but she knew better that the Owl Lady would do whatever it is to prevent her to ever seeing the human.

Shifting from thinking about the human Amity think about the scolding she received 2 days ago.

Amity just got home from the convention, definitely slightly stained by the humans and as she entered the manor she immediately received a harsh slap across her face from her mother which she kinda expected but still was slightly surprised.

Alador wasn't there as he was in a meeting but Edric and Emira are there so they tried and hold their mother back."I could not believe you! Marking that criminals child more worst in front of the Emperor's Coven!"Odalia exclaimed and Amity just touched the cheek her mother slapped and stare ok the ground.

"Don't you know the mess you just did!? You tainted our families name and not only that you marked her!? A human that is also that criminals child."Edric and Emira looked at her completely surprised but still held their mother back to further hitting their little sister.

"Mother calm down, your heart."Edric tried and calm their mother and it was slowly working...take titans."Amity Blight go to your room, I don't wanna see you at the moment."Odalia said and Emira decided to help her little sister up to her room which where they had the talk about what she had done that day.

Her siblings could be annoying yes but at least they could be helpful when they wanted too, anyways Amity just finished reading some kids stories and is now picking up the books off the ground when the same scent hit her but this time way stronger than before.

Amity immediately peaked her head out the kiddy section and there she saw the human, Amity fel her heart almost limp out of her chest and her eyes slightly glowed pink.

The Blight immediately abandoned the kiddy section as she sneakingly approached the human who was busy looking for something.

She could smell her and she was that close and before Luz could even move to the other section something wrapped around her which caused her to yelp and turned around to see that it was none other than the one that marked her.

"Amity? I..i didn't see you there."Luz said feeling really awkward of the situation but then Amity pulled her closer as she nuzzled up against the part where she marked her.

Luz felt her cheeks turned red at the gesture as she was now pressed against the bookshelf as Amity continue to nuzzle against her, Luz then begin to feel Amity kitty lick the spot she bite which made Luz silently gasp and tremble.

She was feeling her body grew hot again and Luz is fighting her alpha urges, she doesn't wanna mark Amity back cause first of all they barely knew each other and second what they are doing is wrong.

Amity might have marked her but that doesn't mean she would allow her to do..well that! But even if Luz want to push her off and pulled away she couldn't as her body is completely pressed against the bookshelf and one wrong move would be misunderstood as an invitation for the Blight to take things further.

(A/N:like I said Luz isn't a normal alpha and I think Amity isn't a normal omega either)

Luz could feel the Blight nibble against her ear which surprised Luz and almost released a whine but hold it in, Amity continue to run her hands against the human's warm stomach and returned back to the spot where she marked her.

Amity bare her fangs about to sink them when all of a sudden a familiar twins interfere.

"Mittens what are you doing."Amity dilated pupils turned slit and let out a growled, noticing that Amity's grip on her soften Luz quickly move away from the Blight touching her neck trying to hide it's glowing mark as Amity's eyes glowed pink along with it."I-i better go haha."Luz sheepishly laughed and immediately walked away from there.

Emira turned to her sister while Edric followed the human to make sure she's okey which left Emira and Amity alone."Amity calm down."Emira said not calling her sister by the nickname which means she's serious.

Amity lowly growled and slowly took deep breaths to calm herself down."you were planning on biting her again we're you."Amity looked up at her, her eyes stopped glowing but her face didn't stop from turning red.

"Amity you know mom told you to stay away from the human."Emira said, she doesn't wanna stop Amity from being with the one she choose but she's only 15 and even if she's about to turned 16 for now she's still too young to have a mate or even mate with one.

Emira doesn't wanna be an auntie just yet nor would Ed wanna be an uncle and their parents aren't yet ready for grandchild or grandchildren.

"I know that Em but...but ever since i marked her my head has been a mess, I couldn't get her out of my head."Amity confess and Emira sighed happy that her little sister is confident enough to share what she felt.

"Well you pretty much did the stupid thing and marked her especially without her permission but me and Ed will help you, maybe a play date would help cause I think you both need to get to know each other first before jumping to that kind of level."Emira said as she wiggle her eye brows and Amity narrowed her eyes at her big sister and looked away.

Really her siblings can be annoying but the play date doesn't sound bad tho the only problem here is the Owl Lady, there is no way the Owl Lady would agree on Amity after what she had just done.

A/N:should I just say this is the remake of Ms. Perfect meets Bad girl?

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