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The next day

You arrive at Audrey's dorm ready for the date.

You fix your tux-

Audrey opens the door and spins around in her dress-

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Audrey opens the door and spins around in her dress-

Audrey opens the door and spins around in her dress-

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Y/N: You look beautiful.

Audrey: You do as well but you're a bit overdressed for what we're doing.

Y/N: What are we doing?

Audrey: We are going on a picnic.

Y/N: Oh...

You take off your suit jacket and roll up your sleeves.

Y/N: Would this be fine?

Audrey: Perfect.

Audrey leads you two to the fairy cottage.

Audrey leads you two to the fairy cottage

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Y/N: This looks great.

Audrey: Yeah, it's where my mom was held after Maleficent cursed her.

Y/N: Ohh... Do you hate Mal still?

Audrey: No, I just hold a grudge against her. I was going to be queen, and make my grandma insanely proud of me.

Y/N: Alright.

Audrey: The picnic is set up in the backyard.

(Ignore the background it's just the forest)

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(Ignore the background it's just the forest)

Y/N: Wow.

Audrey: What do you think?

Y/N: It's very you.

Audrey: What does that mean?

Y/N: It's very pretty.

Audrey: Really?

Y/N: Yes. So what food do we have to eat, I hope you brought meat because even though I'm not or have ever been a lion I still eat like one and have some traits like one.

Audrey: Well I did.

Y/N: Great.

After a long time of eating and feeding each other food, the date is over and your walk Audrey back to her dorm room.

Y/N: Well today was fun.

Audrey: Yes it was.

Y/N: Have a goodnight.

Audrey: You too.

You two kiss.

Audrey: I love you.

Y/N: I love you too.

You walk back into your, Carlos, and Jay's dorm room happy.

Y/N: What's up guys?

Carlos: Someone's looking sharp and in a good mood.

Jay: Tell me about it.

Y/N: I just had an amazing date with Audrey.

Jay: Ahh, should've guessed.

Evie suddenly barged through the door.

Y/N: Evie you good?

Evie: Mal went back to the aisle!

The three of you: What!

(I know this was short and not very good, I'm not the best at writing dates.)

(This chapter is just a setup for future chapters.)

Princess Audrey x Son of ScarWhere stories live. Discover now